Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Farewell Ted! ...and ...The Not-So-Simple Life We're Now Living.

[At right: Who among us can forget this image of Ted Kennedy showing up, soon after his surgery, for President Obama's inauguration? He simply HAD to be there for the First Black President of the United States!]

First, let's say "farewell" to an American who gave so much to so many: Senator Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy of Massachusetts! In a short life of 77 years (1932-2009), he gave selflessly, decently and humanly to all. A great man. It is at the end of life that we see how we measure up to the tasks we are given while on Earth: allowing the Spirit of God to manifest in and shine through us as our individuality. Ted, you EXCELLED!
Farewell Ted!
Your Light will live on forever!

[Below is the final part of a look at Theosophy's application in our everyday lives]

Remember the days, when One plus One Equaled Two.

Two Plus Two Equaled Four.

Today, One-Plus-One Equals Ten.
Two-Plus-Two Equals Twenty or Two Hundred.

How did our simple world of 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 get so
complicated? HOW?

Are you asking ME?

I certainly don't have the answers, but I have theories, beliefs, thoughts
and insights into the new equations of things in our lives.

One-plus-One now equals 10, because with each one added, there are several factors added with each ONE. So, for example, a "ONE" often now has about FIVE subparts. You add that one to another with five subparts and you get 10.

So, that's how we get 10.


So, how did we get the FIVE subsets added to the ONE?

That happened because as humans we no longer accept the status quo.This is not necessarily a bad thing!

In earlier times, we were struggling for mere survival on earth.
So, if we cooked a chicken, it was cooked ONLY one way, i.e. oven fired, and it fed ONLY our family. Today, if we were to cook only one chicken, there are myriad of ways that chicken could be cooked, i.e. fried, baked, grilled or broiled. It can be highly seasoned or not highly seasoned. If we fry it, we can do it simply or make it extra crispy.

Have you been to a Kentucky Fried Chicken recently and tried to order?
Have you been to a McDonald's or Wendy's or Burger King?

Boy oh boy! If you haven't, you're in for a shock at the array of options you have simply for wanting chicken or a hamburger.

We now have refined our tastes and no longer are we simply content with the basics.

So, in order to accommodate "all of the needs of all of the people all of the time", we have to provide options.

Then, we get 1 plus 1 equaling 10 or 20.

"Never No Mind" how 2 plus 2 equals 400. That's a whole other story, as you can tell.

I don't know about you, but I look back on the simplicity of my childhood when you were born, you worked, you got married, you had babies and you died and got buried. You came, you lived, you died.

Today, we are born.
We grow.
We work: maybe; maybe not.
We may or may not get married.
We may or may not have babies.
We may choose to be buried or cremated.
We are not simply, living and dying anymore.
There is so much else in between.

The world is complicated in all the ways and circumstances in which
we could find ourselves.

If we want to be OF the world, we MUST follow the changes in the world or we'll be left behind.

Try job hunting today through newspapers advertisements, like we
did before.

Try submitting your resume' through the mail, like we did before.

Try believing that you'll stay in your small town all of your life.

There's a saying that there's only one sure thing in life: Death.

So what do we do in between?

We put our trust in God.

We can choose to be IN the World...but certainly NOT OF the world.

We certainly can choose not to respond to all the twists and turns in life.

Do you know ONE sure way that you One and One can add up to Two?

No actually, the one sure way One + One would always equal ONE?

GOD + You = Two

God + You = One Spirit in One Body.
(If you have any doubt, then cut/paste this link to an Amazing Woman!

That's what the sixth and seventh aspects of Theosophy mean when the teaching focuses on the "buddhi" and the "atman" levels of our evolution here on Earth. [See blog post on August 2, 2009, on Theosophy]. The seventh is just a stronger degree of actualizing this "One Spirit in One Body" by those of us who would be "oh, so human!"

"Recognize the 'Spirit of the Lord' within, so that it may go before you to make EASY your way!" For Edward M. Kennedy, we know that he was led by the light within even before his death. May we ALL be similarly Blessed!


NOTE: I don't know about YOU...but I can't wait to "sink my teeth" into "True Compass," Ted's memoir, being published and released by Twelve Publishing Company, on Sept. 14, 2009!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


(This is Part II in a three-part series, taking a look at how the seven principles of Theosophy apply to everyday life.)

"Create in me a clean heart,O God, and renew a right spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10

Quickly think of a project that you found extremely pleasing and exciting.

Think of the results of that project.

Quickly also think of a project that you found to be a "bore" and dull and time-consuming and an overall unpleasant experience.

Think of the results of that project.


You got it!

The "spirit" that you take to a project is what determines its success or failure.

Like attitude, having the right "spirit" is the key to achieving ALL goals.

This is no joke.

You can tell the "spirit" of a project, a person, place or thing just by standing back and observing from the outside.

When you "settle" back, you begin to feel the emanation of "spirit" radiating from the room, the person, or thing. You then intuitively know WHAT you know about it, because you "feel" it in your "spirit."

The reason is that the creative "spirit" of the Universe...is the same "spirit" that pervades both animate and inanimate objects.

This "spirit," too, is that which pervades our Soul as we approach a task. But when we are "blocked" by negativity that "spirit" cannot shine through.

As strong as Spirit is in providing a filter to our responses to life, the EGO also is a filter to our emotions about being negative or positive about things, experiences and people we encounter. The difference is that EGO comes from our humanity and of the world, while Spirit is our GOD connection.

Here's a direct quote from Theosophy about the EGO vs. Spirit. The Manas, the "Fifth" Principle in Theosophy,
operates independently of Buddhi (the sixth principle) and a more evolved spiritual entity. The Mind-Principle that comes from Manas is only the Spiritual Ego when merged into one with Buddhi, "and no materialist (aspect #4) being is supposed to have in him such an EGO, however great his intellectual capacities. It is the permanent Individuality or the 'Re-incarnating Ego,'" according to Theosophy.

According to Theosophy, the fifth aspect of our manifestation here on Earth is to conquer this struggle between what it calls our Spiritual EGO (Soul) and Personal Ego.This fifth aspect of Theosophy is about this struggle between Spiritual EGO and Personal EGO. When we reach this aspect, we are in a battle to transcend the issues of EGO concerns to reach a place where we are conscious of our Spirit in everything that we say, think or do.

Spiritual EGO, as related in Theosophy, relates to the Soul. But EGO as more commonly used is that of Personality and all steeped in the ways of the world. This is the part of us that fights any spiritual leanings and tendencies, believing that we lose "face" when we are spiritual vs. following the ways of the world. This is the aspect of ourselves that keeps us doubtful of walking in the ways of God.

The Spiritual Walk then is not easy because of dominance of the "personal" EGO.

For most people operating at the fifth aspect of Theosophy, the struggle with Spiritual EGO (Soul) and the Personal Ego could last a full lifetime. Just think that some people do not remember their Spirit selves for several decades after birth, and often it takes a traumatic experience to make that happen. After that, the "awakening" to the Spiritual Self, Spiritual EGO or Soul, or whatever you wish to call it, takes decades more.
Even then, the struggle with EGO continues and remains for a lifetime for those unable to transcend this challenge with this small self.

Next week, we'll look at the Final Part (III) of Theosophy by focusing on the sixth aspect: the Buddhi.

In the meantime, step back, listen and pay attention to when your personal EGO would rule your Soul (Spiritual EGO). If you're "awake" enough, you'll see and know!



Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Are We Doing HERE?: Part I

(This is the first of a three-part series, applying TRUTH to our everyday lives, based on Theosophy.)

In late July, we read the gruesome news story of Otty Sanchez of San Antonio, Texas, allegedly dismembering her three-and-a-half-week old son, then eating his brain. The scene was "so gruesome that police were left shaken...." "...a scene so horrifying that investigators could barely speak to one another."

"Maybe we missed" warning signs, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said. "I don't know."

Sanchez had been released less than a week from a hospital, where she allegedly had been treated for self-inflicted cuts to her torso and an attempt to slice her own throat.

A tragedy for sure. But there is no "maybe" about the "signs" people associating with the new mother during that week missed!

Several people were around Otty Sanchez.

They said she was suffering from post-partum depression but seemed "normal" otherwise.

So how does a "normal" acting person end up taking samurai swords and dismembering her son, then eating his brains? This behavior is in no way close to "normal," and no "little" diagnosis of post-partum depression can explain it: Sanchez allegedly killed her ONLY child with a steak knife and two swords, while her sister and two nieces, ages 5 and 7, slept in another room!

Obviously, the mental health professionals who'd last seen Otty Sanchez BADLY misread her symptoms and the depths of her problems. This was NO MERE post-partum depression, as normal-acting as she may have seemed.

Then just this past week in Richmond, California, Nathan Burris, allegedly shot Deborah Ross, his girlfriend of 13 years and another man, Ersie Evertt, because he thought they were having an affair. Ross was at work as a toll booth operator when she was killed; Everett was in his truck in another lane, after giving her a ride to work. He was a deacon at Ross' church.

Just two days before, Burris reportedly had showered Ross with flowers, chocolate and other gifts and had promised her that he would "never, ever" revert to his former abusive ways.

He, too, had seemed "normal."

These two cases would seem like an aberration. Yet, just hours or days before, both Sanchez and Burris had seemed "normal" ....just like people whom we may encounter from time to time, seeming "normal" but having "quirks" that make us question that normalcy.

How can we use the seven principles, espoused by Theosophy about our "terrestial" existence, to try to make sense of seemingly senseless acts?

According to Theosophy, people are at different stages of their evolution while on Earth. First, we manifest in three early-stage forms that pretty much dissipate with the "body," once it dies. Then there are the next four stages, where people are manifesting their earthly experience strictly from a material aspect to those people focused solely on the spiritual aspect.

From Theosophy we learn:
THE HIGHER SELF is Atma the inseparable ray of the Universal and ONE SELF. It is the God above, more than within, us. Happy the man who succeeds in saturating his inner Ego with it! [#7]

THE SPIRITUAL divine EGO is the Spiritual soul or Buddhi, in close union with Manas, the mind-principle, without which it is no EGO at all, but only the Atmic Vehicle.

THE INNER, or HIGHER is Manas, the "Fifth" Principle, so called, independently of Buddhi. The Mind-Principle is only the Spiritual Ego when merged into one with Buddhi, -- no materialist being is supposed to have in him such an Ego, however great his intellectual capacities. It is the permanent Individuality or the "Re-incarnating Ego." [#5]

THE LOWER, or PERSONAL "EGO" is the physical man in conjunction with his lower Self, i. e., animal instincts, passions, desires, etc. It is called the "false personality," and consists of the lower Manas combined with Kama-rupa, and operating through the Physical body and its phantom or "double." [#4]

It is this fourth principle of Theosophy: kāma or desire, from which we will look at the TRUTH, according to Theosophy, in Part I.

From kāma we learn that this aspect of our terrestial manifestation is a driving, impelling force. It is born from the interaction of atman, buddhi, and manas. In this aspect of manifestation, people even in their seeming goodness can be BAD!

Kāma can be a force of good or evil, based on how it is used by the Mind and Soul. It provides the electrical impulses for our desires and aspirations.

In "Keys to Theosophy," originally published in 1889, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), who founded The Theosophical Society in 1875 with others, said:

"No materialist, however unbelieving, can die for ever in the fullness of his spiritual individuality.

"...Consciousness can disappear either fully or partially in the case of a materialist, so that no conscious remains of his personality survive"
after he dies.

She continued:

"There are various kinds of materialists, as you say. A selfish, wicked Egoist, one who never shed a tear for anyone but himself, thus adding entire indifference to the whole world to his unbelief, must, at the threshold of death, drop his personality for ever. This personality having no tendrils of sympathy for the world around and hence nothing to hook on to Sutratma, it follows that with the last breath every connection between the two is broken."

Taking this Theosophy as TRUTH to understand conditions in everyday life, I would dare to theo(rize)sophize that when we see a breakdown of seeming normalcy in our "humanity" that person is caught up in the fourth body form: the struggle between good and evil.

Most people operating at the fourth aspect are just following their impulses in life for pleasure, achievement and other types of material comforts. They are reacting to life as it unfolds, rather than getting into any deep inquiry of their Souls. They are in a sort of Nether, Nether land, where life just "happens." But in extreme cases, like with Sanchez and Burris, who have evolved at this fourth aspect of their terrestial experience, some become caught up in NETHER, NETHER LAND!

There is conflict in their behavior and their attitudes towards other men because they are unsure about which "ACT" to follow.

We then should understand how futile it is to try to make sense of their "nonsense!"

Indeed, even the experts interacting with Otty Sanchez were fooled! Even she, herself, obviously was conflicted when she allegedly screamed, after his death, that she "loved" her baby.

Taking Theosophy then as TRUTH, we should begin to see how critically important it is to understand ourselves and our current stage of manifestation while on Earth!

It is not enough to "know" our personality traits; those are ALL superficial. It is critical to "know" our Soul and at what stage it is attempting to manifest in and through us during this, our, time on Earth.

The only way to do this, truly, would be to go into the Silence. But, for people who are already conflicted between good and evil, this would be akin to spilling gasoline onto an already burning fire: they would think they are "hearing voices" directing them about what to do.

"Solitude can be difficult for an unwise person. The unwise try to distract themselves and move to the lower levels of their spiritual life. The truly wise person keeps himself at this summit of inner solititude, while communicating with God in prayer." Leo Tolstoy

So, then if we can't go into the Silence of our Soul: What next?

We pray.

This is the time I believe that having a religious life or affiliation helps someone who may be conflicted about "good" and "evil," notwithstanding that SOME religions CAN and DO lead people down a more conflicted path and totally astray.

Whatever the drawbacks, my overall belief is that no matter what the religion or teaching, if it gives people a belief in a "Higher Power," then it is doing GO(O)D's work! I repeat: Once there is a focus on a "Higher Power," then GO (O)D is at work, no matter what the name given to him: God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh...

We then see so many people being helped to lead a normal, decent life, simply by knowing and adhering to the "rules" of their religious teachings.

No conflict there!

So, when we see people strictly following the letters of the "laws" of their religious teaching, we should applaud them. They are simply reflecting the current level of their consciousness in connecting to their Souls. Let them be! Without this, some may begin to relect the conflict between good and evil; which would you rather see? (Of course, this does not mean that people who are religious are ONLY fighting good and evil. Indeed, people manifesting Theosophy's principles, five, six or even seven on Earth, could also be following religious teachings even as they recognize and co-create with the spiritual aspects of themselves.)

Watch and Pray, that's what we need to do when we're stumped getting into the Silence.

For those who commit to living at the higher level Tolstoy talked about by taking the time for Solititude and Going Within: it doesn't mean they are ANY BETTER than others. It simply means they manifesting a different aspect of their Soul's call while on Earth.

In Part II next week, we'll take a look at these people and their journey along the path of Becoming Still and Listening. This is manifested in the fifth principle of Theosophy: manas, where there is a struggle between Spirit and the egoic personality.

In the meantime: "Be at Peace" with your Soul!



Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.