Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Friday, June 26, 2009

PURA VIDA: The Death of Michael Jackson aka "King of Pop!"

In the early hours after hearing of his death, I sat in disbelief as I looked at his older videos. I could not believe such vibrance and LIFE could ever be stilled or snuffed out.

As I write this, less than 24 hours after his death, and having seen his videos replayed and replayed, I KNOW NOW: That life will never be anything but what it was... ALIVE, PULSATING, EXCITING, THRILLING! PURA VIDA: PURE LIFE! as they say in Costa Rica!

Michael Jackson represents Pura Vida, and he was Pura Vida: PURE LIFE!

Regardless of any negatives that surround the man, no one can dispute that what Michael Jackson, aka "The King of Pop," did for the world was to make us feel so ALIVE!

I don't know anyone, who, if down in spirit, would not immediately be lifted out of their sadness at least for a few moments, were "Thriller," "Don't Stop till You get Enough," "Billie Jean," or any of Michael Jackson's many songs or videos be played around them.

Michael Jackson died from a heart attack during a period of time when he was preparing and training to make a comeback with a planned tour in major cities around the world.

Many are crying that he died too soon.

I beg to differ.

There's only so much you can give to the world.

Michael Jackson gave plenty. He gave his all. I'm so grateful that finally, finally, finally, Michael Jackson is at peace.

When all the news of recent years hit the airwaves, I distanced myself emotionally, and in every other way, from forming an opinion or becoming embroiled in any debate about Michael Jackson's guilt or innocence. I chose to focus instead, even at that time, at what had brought us to this point.

From that perspective, I was clearly able to see ...even then...a troubled Soul!

I saw a Soul that was lost from its source and its own INTENTION and CREATION for being PURA VIDA: PURE LIFE!

When that happens to any of us, whether we're known or unknown, we flop around and flounder like a "fish out of water."

It was no less so with Michael Jackson.

When "The King of Pop" was not doing what he was "naturally" created to do, he flopped around and floundered in many other aspects of his life.

Had he remained tied to his BEINGNESS of "PURA VIDA," we would not have been witnesses to the ugliness we've seen surround Michael Jackson in recent times.

I never forgot the frail, troubled, confused image of Michael Jackson, dressed in pajama pants, as he slowly picked his way into the court for yet another hearing on child molestation charges.

The INDIGNITY of that! Whether true or NOT, it was humiliating for us ALL to be witnesses to the fall of a man who was made for GREATER THINGS! Even today, that image brings me tremendous discomfort.

Some people are born GREAT, some have greatness thrusted upon them, and yet others achieve GREATNESS.

Michael Jackson, "The King of Pop," was in that last category: He achieved Greatness.

As the Rev. Al Sharpton reminded us yesterday, he broke down race barriers, way before there was a "Tiger Woods or an Oprah Winfrey, or a Barack Obama!"

We should remember this about Michael Jackson: He Achieved GREATNESS at A TIME it was not popular to be black.

Yet, we wonder WHY he became CONFUSED about his identity????

I gained a lot of respect for Al Sharpton just for reminding us of THAT: Michael Jackson achieved at a TIME, it was NOT popular to be black.

We certainly can spectulate about whether he would have undertaken the re-imaging of himself had he been born at least two decades later...we see the togetherness of the likes of Beyonce', Jay-Z, Alicia Keyes,Usher, P-Diddy, Kanye West, Queen Latifah, India Arie...and so many other younger performers and stars.

Those black folks are TOGETHER. THEY ARE SOLID...because of the likes of Michael Jackson and others who went before them...and opened UP the world of adoring fans...regardless of color.

Someone HAD TO PAY A PRICE. It was Michael Jackson. He was the GREATEST. He was a GIFT to us. He was the "King of Pop!"

He paid a price.

Jesus, The Christ, had to pay a price for all of mankind.

Michael Jackson paid a price for being BLACK and being popular and adored and RICH, very, VERY RICH, and not knowing what to do with the money.

Everyone could LOOK AND LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES...and say:'"I will not walk that road."

They could say it, BECAUSE someone had gone before them and they could improve on those efforts.

It's always HARD to be the first. It is always HARD to be first. It is always HARD to be a "living example!"

Michael Jackson: You taught us SO WELL!

May you finally be at Peace, knowing that you did the best you could giving us: Pura Vida....Pure Life...teaching us about what LIVING life and GIVING TO THE WORLD should be all about!

We love you Michael.

You will never, EVER, be forgotten!

And actually, man, you DID make your comeback:

This IS your "Resurrection!"

Be at peace, now.


NOTE: See memorial photos on side of blog or by cutting/pasting this link: http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Michael-Jackson-Memorial/ss/events/en/070609mjacksonstaple

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day: Trust in the ONE Father of Us All!

Today people world over are celebrating their fathers, either in the flesh, or in their vivid memories of the man who has passed on.

We do this because we can feel, or remember, the evidence of their love: their giving and caring ways, sharing quality time, the values they instilled in us and the responsibility they showed by providing for us in all ways and always.

We knew them. We felt them. We touched them.

Our fathers are, or were, real i.e. flesh and blood.
That's what we know a father to be.

It is not surprising, then, that we find it so hard to trust and believe in the GREATEST father of us all: God.

Day in and Day out, moment by moment, even when our "real" fathers were not there, there was a Presence that never left us, cared for us in myriad ways, picked us up when we fell down, gives us our daily bread and our very breath, directs our path, soothes us when we're troubled, restores us when we falter...

Yet, we have trouble trusting this Father!

"Trust in the Lord with ALL Thine Heart
And lean not to Thine Own Understanding.
In ALL Thy Ways acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy path!"

Psalm 3: 5-6

I literally read a Psalm each day. This verse,
Psalm 3:5-6, though, I used to read every day in addition to the one for the day.

Then some "unexpected" challenge popped up, and I stopped.

I could just imagine my thoughts at that time: "Why bother?"

Now, I'm back to reading it every day because...God makes SENSE again!

I don't know HOW MANY TIMES I have to remind myself that the Spirit within me is GREATER than ANYTHING...ANY...THING...I encounter in the world. Just TRUST!

I've tried affirmations. They work for a while.

Then the next challenge hits...and...there it goes!

Then, I'm "redeemed," and I VOW "never, ever" to distrust GOD.

Then the cycle repeats itself.

I mean GOSH!

Does the guy have to HIT US ON THE HEAD...ALL THE TIME!?

I say "us," because I KNOW I'm NOT the only one in this.

Time after time...after time...after time...God keeps showing up
faithfully in our lives. But what do we do?

We keep doubting his PRESENCE in our lives and his ability to get us out of whatever "sin" we have committed or whatever "evil" has befallen us.

Think of how OLD you are.

Keep that number in your head.

Is it more than 20?
Is it more than 30?
Is it more than 40?
Is it more than 50?
Is it more than 60 years?

Well...believe it or not...that's how LONG you've been doubting the PRESENCE of GOD in your life...and AS YOUR LIFE!

That's what I've been doing for ALL the time I've been here on earth, too.

Yet, with all my spiritual studies, I mean many, many years of spiritual studies and reading books and doing "things," I still can't GET IT on a continuous basis.

I have witnessed MIRACLES. REAL HONEST TO GO(O)DNESS MIRACLES done by my "father"!

I've seen myself wiggle out of the most TRYING circumstances, where I could not turn right...or turn left...but the GRACE of "My Father" delivered me without a scratch.

I have been through ALL Types of challenges.

In recent times, mostly in 2008, there were:

Spiritual Challenges.
Financial Challenges.
Professional Challenges.
Personal and Emotional Challenges.

Had someone dared to measure, there was NO area of my life that was left UNTOUCHED.

But ... a curious thing happened in 2008!

I grew in a way I never could have imagined.

I was stretched and I was pulled. I was poked and I was
stroked. I was spurned, and I was loved.

Through it all...I was VITALLY ALIVE. The real ME
was able to surface.

I thank GOD for 2008!

I lived through it, and I rode the EYE OF THE STORM...and I'm still here.

Yet, instead of believing God, I, and most of us, keep right on doubting his Presence and Power in our lives.

One of Unity's key principles is that "There is ONLY ONE PRESENCE AND ONE POWER IN OUR LIVES...God the Good, the Omnipotent."

No matter what shows up...NO MATTER WHAT shows up... it is ultimately for our GOOD!

This has ALWAYS proven true for me.

My suffering came because of MY PERSONAL DESIRES to have THINGS TURN OUT a certain way.

It was always because I wanted to see things turn out exactly the way I wanted them. But, I tell you this, I'm SO grateful for not getting some of my greatest wishes fulfilled! I thank God for BEING GOD in my life!

So, I think...finally...


I'm getting it...

I'm READY to give up the fight and the struggle!

The way to do it, I know is to remember that I am not here
for MY OWN PURPOSE. I was brought HERE NOW for a specific REASON,
and I need to TRUST God to allow THAT purpose to unfold NATURALLY
WITHOUT any intrusions from me.

I need to step back, totally back, and watch ...YES...WATCH...my life

That's what I've been doing lately. I've had NO CHOICE.

I don't have any more FIGHT IN ME....;-)



Just watching...waiting...following...

where the path leads.

"Light shines in the darkness for the godly..."
Psalms 112:4a NLT

It's a day at a time...

But ...Ohhhhhhh...suddenly...SUDDENLY...I feel SO PURPOSEFUL...WITHOUT THE STRUGGLE!

Yes, by letting go of our own agenda...and just BEING, God has a chance to
step in and do what he must without INTERFERENCE from us.



Go for it! I DARE YOU!

Happy "Our" Father's Day!



Sunday, June 14, 2009

Book Review: "The Shack" by William P. Young

What would you do if God sent you an invitation to visit with him for a weekend?

That's what happened to Mackenzie Allen Phillips when "Papa" sent him a note, inviting him to visit "The Shack."

It's been a while. I've missed you.
I'll be at the shack next weekend if you want to get together.

Mackenzie had been experiencing the "Great Sadness" for about four years...since his youngest daughter, Missy, was abducted on a family vaction.

The question then becomes, how could he possibly accept "God's" aka "Papa's" invitation, without letting anyone know about this seemingly "crazy" invitation.

Mackenzie somehow found a way and visited not only with "Papa" ...but also with Jesus and another "spiritual body."

"The Shack" is a novel by Willam Paul Young.

It really is about the Trinity and an attempt to explain the relationship we all have with God and the roles played by his son and the Holy Ghost.

Whether you believe William Young succeeds in getting a clear message through or not, what you WILL be fascinated with is his portrayal of God (Papa) and the forms in which Jesus and the Holy Ghost show up.

For one, Papa is portrayed throughout as a big-boned African-American woman, who is fun loving and appreciates music. Her name, she says, is "Elouisa....I am the housekeeper and cook."

Jesus is of Middle Eastern descent. His name is "Yeshua, but I also have been known to respond to Joshua or even Jesse."

"I try to to keep things fixed up around here."

The Holy Ghost ,who moves in and out, only takes the form of a an Asian woman (described as Chinese, Nepalese or Mongolian), Sarayu. She is the keeper of the gardens.

There were some powerful scenes throughout the book, where Mack awakened to the Spirit within him and his continuing connection to God. But was this book the answer to ALL questions about GOD, like say, "Conversations With God" by Donald Neale Walsh? Hardly.

It first, focused too much on Religious Teachings vs. Spirituality.Next, it used stereotypical images to portray and confound your image of God.

Did it work?


You could NOT get PAST the STEREOTYPES OF GOD, Jesus and the Holy Ghost portrayed in the book!

My question throughout is: WHY IS HE TRYING TO MESS WITH THE GOD IMAGE? Then...totally insulting EVEN people's SUSPENDED beliefs about God!

William Young had done SUCH a GOOD job in spending time describing God (Papa), Jesus and Sarayu, that you COULD NOT GET PAST THEIR HUMAN IMAGES.

There were absolutely NO confounding truths, or even ANY THING, that I could call profound about this book. It simply is a novel.

But ...even as a novel...you did NOT get the completion of the story of Missy's disappearance.

Worth reading?

You betcha!


To stay informed. ...everyone ELSE in the Religious and Spirituality community is Bzzed up about it!


Read instead, "Conversations with God," or any of Wayne Dyer's or Deepak Chopra's books instead.



Sunday, June 7, 2009

The PRESENT...What a GIFT!?: The Stark REALITY of Living in the NOW!

She was playing the game she loved, Basketball, when it happened: ALL the memories of her 19 years were wiped completely away in an instant! She'd run into another player, hitting her head, while practicing at Walla Walla (Washington) Community College.

There was no bleeding, nothing. But in that instance...Kayla Hutcheson's past was GONE!

"She couldn't remember who she was, what her dad's name was..." says one of her friends and teammates. "It kept getting worse."

Now, Kayla Hutcheson, the 19-year-old student in Walla Walla, Washington, lives a "day at a time....living in the ONLY time she knows, the PRESENT," reports Neal Karlinson of abc News.

I heard this piece during this past week, and thought: ONLY know the PRESENT!?Isn't this what Eckhart Tolle in his book, "The Power of NOW", is telling us to do? isn't that what all other "wise men" TELL us to do: "Live in the NOW...The Present!"

These wise people now have a TEXT BOOK CASE at hand, and I hope they study it...and see whether all their years of teaching and preaching about living in the ONLY moment that matters, the NOW, really is the way to live.

Sadly, though, for Kayla Hutcheson, who is a medical mystery to doctors, each day is a day she's hoping that her memory DOES return.

When I told Kayla Hutcheson's story to a group of my students around the same age, one of them said, "I wish that's ALL I could remember!"

But is it?

Do you really, really, want to live ONLY in the NOW moment? Yes, you may want to FOCUS on what's happening then...as that's ALL we can control. But would you really want to wipe away the moments, the past experiences, that got you HERE...NOW?

That's the thing about all the theories and proposition and speculation and suggestions: LIVING the reality of these TRUTHS often is much more challenging than anyone bargained! Quite honestly, given a choice, NONE of us would want to live without a past and, certainly, without SOME ROADMAP, some plan, for our future.

That is the REALITY...that is the TRUTH!

Our past is our history.

It tells the story of our birth, the circumstances of our birth and how we may have worked hard and struggled to get to our current state of success...or seeming failures. We DON'T want to go back there AGAIN...even if it's ONLY in Consciousness!

Our past maps for us the roadways we negotiated, the people we encountered, some of whom are best left there but still served as teachers in our learning.

The simple TRUTH is that without our PAST, we have NO FUTURE.

Think about this.

If ALL we have is the PRESENT MOMENT...then we cannot map out the roads "not to travel." We won't know where to go and how to get there, if all our previous steps were wiped away. We'd be like Gold Fish which supposedly have NO MEMORY, beautiful as they are!

We cannot look forward to building and visualize the pathways to traverse in the future, giving us HOPE that even if TODAY, the PRESENT, is not ALL we hope it to be, TOMORROW...YES...the future holds a PROMISE for a better day!

Iyanla Vanzant's deceased daughter,Gemmia, wrote a poem, "Yesterday I Cried," which talks about the crying she did yesterday, but now she is wiser and hopeful for the future. This was published in Iyanla's book of the same name, "Yesterday, I Cried."

The simple truth is, as Kayla Hutcheson so sadly discovered, without a PAST, we don't know WHO WE ARE!

Thank God for the GIFTS...all of them: THE PAST, THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE...

But as Eckhart Tolle proposes, stay in the NOW...be grateful for being here, getting here, NOW! Look at each MOMENT, each DAY, as the gift that it is: the miracle of having made it to this day and time.

Indeed that moment may be THE LAST we have left.

Then...if you believe in reincarnation...you will get to start over...ALL MEMORY wiped clean, as you begin a new life! Yes, that's reincarnation...and for ANOTHER LIFETIME! But as for RIGHT NOW...here, in this life...

...Kayla Hutcheson: We wish you a speedy recovery of your memory!



Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.