Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book Review: "The Scapel and the Soul" by Allan J. Hamilton, MD

This was an Associated Press report filed on Sunday, June 7, 2009:

"BALTIMORE – At one of the nation's top trauma hospitals, a nurse circles a patient's bed, humming and waving her arms as if shooing evil spirits. Another woman rubs a quartz bowl with a wand, making tunes that mix with the beeping monitors and hissing respirator keeping the man alive.

They are doing Reiki therapy, which claims to heal through invisible energy fields. The anesthesia chief, Dr. Richard Dutton, calls it "mystical mumbo jumbo." Still, he's a fan.

"It's self-hypnosis" that can help patients relax, he said. "If you tell yourself you have less pain, you actually do have less pain."

Alternative medicine has become mainstream. It is finding wider acceptance by doctors, insurers and hospitals like the shock trauma center at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Consumer spending on it in some cases rivals that of traditional health care."

Then, there comes Dr. Allan Hamilton with his book, "The Scapel and the Soul," published in hardcover in March 2008 and in softcover in April 2009.

You may never have heard his name in metaphysical or spiritual circles, but let me share this with you: Dr. Allan J. Hamilton, a Harvard Medical School trained neurosurgeon, is a deeply spiritual guy!

As for his book, "The Scapel and the Soul: Encounters with Surgery, the Supernatural and the Healing POWER OF HOPE," Dr. Hamilton delivers spiritual insights of all the pros.

The only reason we may not have seen or heard this book being promoted as pervasively as others on all the major talk shows is probably because it is SO PROFOUND, SO REAL, that many hosts and others may have been SCARED to touch it.


Plus, it would inspire REAL fear in many, because the events are real. Indeed, some of the experiences, Dr. Hamilton recounts seem "surreal."

Then, they simply may have been INCREDULOUS! A REAL MEDICINE MAN, who once looked like a fully qualified "nerd," now sprouting things about the supernatural? Picture him!

Then, too, this is the first-time book by a guy who is still on staff as a professor of neurosurgery, as well as a clinical professor in the departments of Radiation Oncology and Pscyhology at Arizona Health Sciences Center. Hamilton also is a script consultant for neurosurgery for the television show, "Grey's Anatomy." "They" probably are still waiting to see his next step: into Metaphysics full-time and completely out of field of Medicine?

His Soul will dictate. But meanwhile...

"Profound" is not the word I would use to describe this book by Dr. Hamilton, which of course, came to me TOTALLY by happenstance. A better word would be "breathtaking!"

This book certainly took me by surprise.

I'd had it sitting for more than two months after purchasing it, "new" but at a discounted store for $2.99. I figured the title made it interesting to read "sometime."

Well that sometime came a few weeks ago, and once I started the book, I couldn't wait to get to my next reading session. It's one of those books that captivates your Soul.

First, you read that a psychic, for less than a dollar, had predicted that Hamilton would become a prominent doctor when he was a boy, even though he'd shown no signs of brilliance or medical inclinations. As you continued to read about his IMPROBABLE background in the military, and even as a janitor, you found his eventual rise into a stellar medical career truly fascinating...and yes...the work of the Supernatural!

Then, the first thing that strikes you is the refreshingly candid insights offered by Dr. Hamilton, throughout the book. He writes with a clarity, freshness and purity that comes from being TRULY committed to a key rule in Interpersonal Commuunications: "Become Other Oriented."

In case by case, Dr. Hamiliton shares with us the intimacies of the surgeon's thinking as he approaches the operating room, the fears and confidences he has, the practices...even SUPERSTITIONS...he follows before beginning surgery.

He held nothing back.

Allan Hamilton bares the SOUL of his work as a neurosurgeon, his passion and fears in surgery, the lack of sensitivity that often accompany the development of "muscle" to become a surgeon while a resident in medical training. With a candor that is surprising and absolutely rare, Dr. Hamilton does not spare his views of the insensitivities, arrogrance and grandiose behavior of his profession.

Because of this candor, you get the full picture of Dr. Hamilton as being truly authentic!

He gives some breathtaking accounts of delicate cases he worked on and recounts all the details that led up to the surgery, the drama surrounding the event, then, in some cases, the demise of the patient (s) after surgery.

At the end, you get a TOTAL picture of the details required to perform or not perform certain surgeries.

This is an IMPORTANT book!

Even though, as Hamilton clearly states, he has no training in spiritual matters, we cannot refute the EVIDENCE, the tremendous amount of evidence, that piles up in case after case recounted by Dr. Hamilton: life is more than meets the eye and there are realms beyond our current level of consciousness operating FULLY in our lives.

From the book cover:

1. A doctor discovers he can predict when a patient will die.
2. A clinically dead patient later recounts extraordinary details about the proviate lives of her caregivers.
3. A young burn victim remains in a coma until a ghost appears.
4. A physician needs the help of a Navajo shaman to exorcise the spirit of his dead patient.

These ALL sound like a book of Science Fiction.

And Science it is...as the illnesses and circumstances need Scientific guidance. But Fiction, it isn't... as ALL the stories are REAL and recounted by Dr. Hamilton in full details of how, why, when and where the incidences occurred and to whom.

Based on more than 30 years' experience, in the "The Scalpel and the Soul," Dr. Hamilton recounts these stories in vivid detail and also demonstrates the "elusive , evanescent powers of the soul."

In promotional materials for the book, the stories and the happenings would be recounted by many as "foolishness," or even "outright madness," but Dr. Hamilton saw the TRUTH in the details, he believed and shared them.

In this wonderful, powerful book, not only do you learn about the "delicacies" of neurosurgery and the medical profession, you also get real insight messages of your Soul.

Take a look!



Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is the LOVE of GOD a disease? If so, let it 'kill' you!

I spent an extended period of time a few months ago in the company of and in conversation with a relatively young nun who'd given up her entire career with a major Accounting firm to join the monastery and to lead the monastic life.

She is very aware of all the happenings "out there." But she is articulate about her choice and is very definite in her knowing that the monastic path is not for everyone, only those who feel truly "called."

We talked about nuns who in the old days used to join the monastery to escape from other life issues, and we spent time talking about when you get THE CALL how and when you know it. Then as if on cue, an older ex-nun who lives nearby with her husband, dropped in and added to the conversation: she'd joined when she was 18 years old...and later realized that she was not "called" to serve in the monastic way.

It's a powerful life...this WALK WITH GOD...the trials and tribulations, which even the nuns don't deny. They, too, have daily challenges and tests of faith. Hearing their side of the story gave me some good insight into this path of "walking with God."

Even when you know that you know you could have chosen NO OTHER way, yet life keeps serving you lemons, your faith still can become sorely tested. Again. And Again. And Again.

Then there are those people who are looking on from the outside of those trying to walk diligently in their spiritual path. Some may even point fingers and mock others, asking without words, "Where is your God, now?"

If there are "devils," and "demons," these people, who taunt and provoke without words, are them! Oftentimes, too, it is the folks closest to others and whom they formerly held close and dear, who provoke them the most.

Without any compassion or sense of decency, some of the "devils" and "demons" may point and say, "Let your God deliver you NOW!"

For most people who feel called to serve God in some capacity, whether it is through a monastic life or simply by living life with a full Consciousness of Spirit navigating their way in the world, none would have chosen otherwise, even with the trials and tribulations.

If following Spirit and answering the call of God, indeed, the LOVE of God is a disease, many would pray to catch "it." Even more, they hope and pray that the "disease" of loving God "kills" them to their former ways of walking in the world, i.e. led by EGO.

It's like what the late Philospher Leo Tolstoy says in one of his lessons: "At the beginning of life, a person does not think that the spirit of God is enclosed in a body, believing his life is found in the body. The longer he lives, the more he understands that his true life is found not in the body but in the spirit!"

What is interesting, too, is that the more disruption that occurs in a person's life, the closer becomes his or her connection with God! It's as if, according to Marcel Proust," We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey no one can take for us or spare us."

The disruption occurs and continues so that prior ways of operating in the world are eliminated. There MUST be a break from seeing and being in the world with the intellect and EGO self BEFORE there can be a full connection to Spirit and a view of the world that comes solely from the heart.

Until we are able to walk in the world solely from the heart space and with a sure knowledge and comfort of a Partnership of God, then the eruptions and the disruptions truly DON'T make much sense.

It's critically important at those times NOT to give up and give into EGO! That's what it's willing and challenging you to do. But...DON'T!

That's truly the time that the "devils" and the "demons," too, can try to influence a person's spirit, if he or she is not strong enough in Faith. That is the time that the person is most vulnerable, too, to fall back into old ways and patterns of walking in the world; it's familiar territory and quite frankly, it's an easier walk IN the world.

Don't do it! Walk the walk of faith to the end. There is ONLY ONE purpose for our life and that is to discover, then uncover, then reveal, the Spirit of God walking in and through our lives in US and as US!

"Be ye not comformed to this world but by be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good , and acceptable, and perfect, will of God!" Romans 12:2

Let the devils and the demons have their way. Let them mock you and throw stones at you. You're strong enough to take it!

Of one thing you can be sure: God will never, ever leave your side! Yes, no matter what you may be going through, no matter how heavy the burden you may be carrying, God will not leave you to walk alone. He is in the midst of all you're g(r)o(w)ing through!

I heard one of Michael Jackson's friends, actually one of Debbie Rowe's and Michael Jackson's friends, say that "It's too bad it took his death for so many people the world over to realize what Michael Jackson meant to them."

Yes, sometimes, in life, it will take DEATH for many to be appreciated. But if, as those who are walking through the "valleys of the shadow of death" realize that God is forever at their side, then people's words, mockery and stones can never truly hurt them, unless they allow those words to creep into their Consciousness.

Jesus was the key example and set the standard for us all of human suffering, mockery and pain. Jesus also was the key example of the ability to rise above the pain and ultimately to be resurrected.

There are people like Michael Jackson, too, who were mocked and scorned in life,

but in death have become"larger than life."

Whatever you may be going through in this day, this moment, this time of your life, know that your day of Resurrection, too, is at hand.

"Never no mind," as I heard a minister recently say. Tell your problems, "Never no mind."

By and by, they will disappear.

I promise!


NOTE: See this piece about a showdown between Science and Astronomy on Wednesday, July 22 by cutting and pasting URL...http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090720/ts_afp/scienceastronomyeclipseasiatourismsuperstition

Friday, July 10, 2009

"A Woman of Substance: Berteley Lynch of Leesburg, Florida"

There's a term in Interpersonal Communications that is used to describe a person who has a positive effect on others and where the person is seen as doing no wrong: "Halo Effect."

The term typically refers to the perception of one or two people. It's  rare for there to be a consensus of many, many individuals about a "Halo Effect" around one individual. But life does sometimes offer us surprises, and in some instances, too, rarefied individuals.

Berteley Lynch is one such person.

I doubt that many of us would ever encounter a person who is more grounded, saner and just absolutely always her own authentic self than Berteley Lynch.

The fact that she is a K-12 School Psychologist for Lake County (Florida) Schools is just one explanation for this groundedness and absolute sanity and integrity she displays at all times. This is a woman who is TRULY always in charge of herself and her emotions and who has a sure and working knowledge of who she is at all times.

The opening lines from the poem, Desiderata, come to mind when you think of Berteley Lynch: "Go Placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in Silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story."

Those lines were written about her.

Berteley Lynch is a Guyanese-born American and has a long history with my family.

I've known her since my early 20s, when I lived in the metropolitan Chicago-area, and she also lived there. Over the years, though, it was not the "family connection" that kept us close. It is my deep respect for her as a person and a truly wonderful human being, who takes a sincere interest in and concern for the lives of others and who is contributing in huge ways to the personal growth and development of so many others in her world.

Berteley Lynch says she's "passionate about life."

[Berteley is shown, here, and in several photos, below, with Guyanese friends, celebrating the holidays in Canada]

"I enjoy every moment I am in the world. The peace and tranquility that I am afforded each day come from enjoying the simple things in life and living in harmony with the universe."

She begins each day with prayer.

"Beginning each day with prayer enables me to be a peace, first, with myself, then Present for others. By starting my day this way, I am then able to be at peace with the world."

With a master's degree in Education and a bachelor's degree in Psychology, Berteley may have been given a link to practicing her giving Spirit and lending her tranquility to others. But it could only be the power within her and the deep love and commitment she has for others that have made her successful for more than 25 years practicing her profession, first, in Chicago-area schools, and now in the Lake County schools.

There is no script written for a giving spirit.

You have to write and create your own ticket.

Writes her Script!

Berteley says she sees "life as a learning experience, preparing us for the next steps we are to take. When we think we are not up to the challenges with which we are confronted, we shouldn't avoid them. We need to confront them, embrace them and address them so we can move on.

"When others' lives present them with a tempest, I believe my sharing my peace and tranquility with them is one way to help them heal."

Such peace and calm certainly must have been developed at a very young age, as she surveyed her immediate world.

Berteley is the third child of four children birthed by her mother. She also has nine other siblings, parented by her father, with whom she shared an especially close relationship.

"I am close to all my brothers and sisters, staying in touch with them by telephone since all but one of them live out of state. We visit at least once a year and most of us get together at major holidays and on special occasions."

Her innate sense of peace came naturally to her, as Berteley says she cannot pinpoint a time when she "became spiritual," or entered on the Spiritual Path. "Overtime, my spirituality has increased, and there are many times I ask myself whether my spirituality increased with my aging or increased with life experiences, or both."

However it happened, the world is blessed for having this truly gracious PRESENCE in its midst.
[The following pictures show Berteley, celebrating Carribana, a Caribbean festival held annually in Toronto, Canada, with various groups of Guyanese friends]

PRESENT with Others!

It's not that Berteley has lived a life without challenges, but it's the application of FAITH, permeating her Being, that so impresses the folks who know her.
Forever Close To Kin...!!...!

[LEFT: Berteley is pictured with her sister, Merlyn]

Says her sister, Merlyn: "My sister, Berteley, is a walking demonstration of how to do life 'right,' with all of its concomitant challenges and obligations. Step by step, I have been witness to Berteley's overcoming situations that would have incapacitated others, but she rose to the challenges and handled them with grace, tranquility and her own unique style."

Maybe, what Merlyn sees is simply Berteley living each day as she says she does.

"He (God) takes care of all my needs each day. I enjoy peace, tranquility, good health and prosperity. I do face challenges, but God always has given me the strength to effectively deal with them."

Finding God for Berteley came through an early religious background of being baptized and confirmed in the Anglican (Episcopal) Church in Guyana. Then came visits and exploration of other faiths: Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodists and Buddhist.

Today, Berteley attends Unity Church of Christianity, near her hometown in Leesburg, Florida.

She hopes to continue to deepen her Spirituality through Unity and other studies, and she also plans to travel, lots, and spend time with family and friends, when she retires in a few years.
Sunshine and Roses !!

If we were to look down the horizon that seems laid out by the path she's already set, we also see nothing but SUNSHINE, with her enjoying her large collection of Jazz and Caribbean music, gardening and reading.

What a tranquil lifestyle for a truly lovely, gracious and peaceful Soul!

"Yes, Berteley, 'God is the Omnipotent, all Powerful being, who truly lives and directs' your life. We know this because we truly see this witnessed in YOU!

Happy Birthday, friend. May God continue to bless and keep you so RICH in Spirit."



Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Beauty ... and Privilege...of Being an American!

I am a naturalized citizen of the United States, and I'm so proud of that identity.

It's not that I don't appreciate having been born in my native country, Guyana, South America, and spending my early years, through Age 15, there. But, I just LOVE being an American!

There is so much to the American "Spirit" that captures my Soul. I know that absolutely NO mistakes were made in the process of getting me to go from there to here.

I'm here now...and here's what I love:

I love the freedom of expression.

I love the fact that Americans are so forgiving of others' "sins" and indiscretions.

I love the fact that America itself is so huge and vast, and you could be nameless and faceless if you choose to be. Yet, you can connect as closely to people as in the most remote and intimate island on the other side of the world.

Of course, there are no utopias...

But I'm glad that I'm doing my "time" on earth here in America....and, yes, especially in California.

The thing I love about Americans is that overall, and as a nation, they shrug over gossip in the News, or closer to home, as yesterday's old garbage. You can re-invent yourself at the drop of a hat and no one, except for your small or not-so-small group of gossipy friends, will not blink an eye.

Then, there's the forgiving spirit, man! Wow!

When Michael Phelps, the swimming champ who won eight gold medals at the Bejing Olympics, got into trouble earlier this year with swimming authorities and his sponsors, it was an agent for his rivals who came to his defense.

"Enough is enough," said Evan Morgenstein, who represents a large number of Olympic swimmers. "The penalty is far greater than the crime. He has said he is sorry. Let's move on to the real problems in this country."

Time after time we see the American people coming to the defense of would-be fallen stars and other public figures. When the media start out with the reports, yes, the public does listen, but then before long the very public turns around and begins to support that fallen hero.

I don't know anywhere else in the world where the people are as forgiving and as open-minded as in the United States.

Small countries attract a lot of attention because people like the closeness and sameness of life. But even in those small countries, I don't think people are as forgiving of their neighbors with whom they have much closer contact. As a matter of fact, I think they are less forgiving and more indicting. I truly believe the smaller the country, the greater the expectation that people follow a "code" of prescribed behavior.

In many of those countries, it doesn't take much for a person to be ostracized by friends and the nation's people for not following the "rules."

The world's population as of March 2009 is exploding at 6.76 billion. Then you come to the United States, with a population of more than 304 million, as of the 2008 count, and we learn some lessons about humanity and realness and truth.

When someone gets into trouble here and the criticism is running high, it does not take long for someone to surface and state:"Foul! Stop!"

This is the way of the American people: open minded, fair and always searching and examining their conscience and their Soul!

This brings me another key reason I decided to write this blog on this date.

The worst way I am challenged is when I run into fellow nationalized U.S. citizens, who still would be foreign! I truly am puzzled by those who after decades of life in the United States still seem to believe that their foreign birth somehow makes them "superior" in some way to U.S. born citizens.

I get silently angry at those who, because I am foreign born believe they can share, without caution or concern, their antipathy towards Americans and things American.

These are people who are benefitting tremendously from the struggles the United States has made as a nation, but their own immediate concern is only to derive benefits for themselves and their immediate families. They don't seem to realize that it's a privilege to be an American citizen, and not "naturally" their right to derive benefits and the "goods" of American life without a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude!

Some speak in their own dialects and continue to hold to their cultural ways, without truly trying in any way to integrate into the ways and life of the American people. I'm truly bothered by this.

Then, there are those people who know and see that I'm black, but in their ignorance, they tell me, "You're different." This happens mostly with white Americans who seem unable to reconcile that black is black! A foreign accent is simply that: a foreign accent.

I hold my tongue because I realize how futile it would be to address people at that level of ignorance. It would take many lessons, and possibly lifetimes, of TRUTH to correct those fallacies.

More than anything, I am proud, first, to be Black. Then, just as equally important to me is my pride in the privilege of being an American.

Borrowing a line from my favorite poem, Desiderata,"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it's still a beautiful" country!

America, the beautiful. Thank You for being my home!

Happy Independence Day!



Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.