Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Perfect Anti-dote for Life's Ills: Perfect Love!

"Seeking Common Ground" Series

Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science in 1866. Like Unity, Christian Science is a practice and a teaching, based on those of Jesus, the Christ. It is not a religion.

Christian Science teaches that God is Love. There is no presence, no existence we have that is not of God, and God is only Good! Anything else that we’re experiencing is not of God and is of error thinking.

Christian Science also teaches that God is Infinite and that if our very life is God life, then there is no Death, only immortality! Anything else that we experience such as illness, sickness and death is not of God and results from errors in our beliefs.

Who can disprove any of this?

Only God truly can provide the answers to life’s challenges.

“There is no fear in love. Perfect love casteth out Fear.” 1 John 4:18

From our human perspective, though, when problems of any sort come, our first reaction is to look outside ourselves to “fix” them. We may think the answers come through medicine, our doctor or some other source. But it still is the “Oneness” of God operating through all these sources.

So, we run to the doctor, we run to our friends, our employer, our teacher FIRST....then, maybe, we stop and pray.

I say, we do the last, first, then...the solution as to whom of the rest to consult... will follow.

When we pray first, we align ourselves with a consciousness of God, regardless of the level of that consciousness. Once we get deeply into prayer, we feel our “consciousness” lift i.e. there is a “stirring” within us. This is our awareness of making connection to Spirit.

Once we feel this, then we can go about doing anything that we’re guided to do, because we now have FAITH, and HOPE and TRUST. That’s because we’d received the answer first from within: everything will be all right!

What happens to many of us, though, when something seemingly bad happens is that we go to the exterior sources to confirm or deny the existence of the problem. In many cases, those sources strengthen our belief in the existence of the problem (error thinking!), and we give it further life. By the time we get around to praying, we are so filled with fear, so panicked that “Love” cannot reach us! Our consciousness cannot be lifted to that level of “greater understanding.”

In order for God to be GOD in our lives, he actually does NEED our participation. He can only do what he does THROUGH us...not through any other source but through our consciousness. It is this very raised “consciousness,” the “Jehovah Jireh” of our being, that allows us to be healed.

“Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace,” Jesus said. (Mark 5:34) And, “I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the work.” John 14: 10

Why do we become so filled with fear and wrong thinking?

How do we get so paralyzed into inaction that we cannot even pray?

Those are the times that we’ve given all our power away to the world outside of us.

The world that says we need this or that to fix our problems. The world that constantly bombards us with the “error thinking” that “there is never enough” to go around.

So, we develop thoughts of lack, limitation, and a belief in the power of the ways of the world. Yes, it is true that if we are unconscious to God within us and are focused on the ways of the world, it would have power over us. This lack of consciousness of the Goodness of God, indeed, does result in dis-eases of all types, problems of all shapes and colors. But as soon as we can get ourselves centered in the glory and goodness of God, those problems start disappearing...one by one! It begins also with that focus on the “NOW” in which God resides.

If I take my own life as an example, I can reflect back to the period when life no longer seemed to “flow” naturally for me. That was the time when I began to leave God truly behind and looked more and more to the world as the source of my being!

Like many growing young adults, I wanted to be considered “hip” and “cool.” And I was IT: cigarette in my hands (fortunately only for a period of less than two years), wine glass in the other!

I was hip, and I was cool. The more hip and cool I became, the more the “world” seemed to accept me. But I was fully unconscious to the Pure Being within me !

So covered was my Spirit that GOD was STILL!

Of course, he was shocked into Silence and total, absolute Stillness!

No church...no-thing...that spoke his name or recognized his power was evident in my life.

Yet, I thrived. I was so cool. I was successful. I lived!

Thank God for HIS Mercy!

Then, came the void. The day (s) when the ways of the world began to seem so empty to me.

The day (s) when I began to see the impotence of my “coolness” and “hipness.”

It was then that I began my search. The return had begun.

It’s now years in the making.

Thank God for GOD! Thank God for the Goodness of God! Thank God for the Infinity of God!

Christian Science does speak TRUTH!


NOTE: This is one in an ongoing series:"Seeking Common Ground," intended to bring certain teachings and religions to light!

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.