Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Book Review: "Communion With God" by Neale Donald Walsch

All is illusion.

What you think is real is just an illusion.

You are "Ultimate Reality," so you have no need of anything outside yourself. What you perceive as a need or an attribute about yourself is pure illusion, something you created in time/space so that you may remember WHO you really are to the world and in the world.

Powerful stuff!

Go ahead and practice it now.

Step "outside yourself" and see if YOU still exist.

Yep. You're still "here!" But the YOU that is seeing and that is still here is not the YOU who is experiencing the pain, the grief, the fear, the anger, the lack of love or anguish.

"YOU"..you see...is WHOLE and COMPLETE in and of yourself.

By creating a need or insufficiency of any type, you have created an illusion. Although it seems like a harsh reality, this illusion can be done away with immediately upon your "recovering" yourself.

Step outside yourself again.

See if "YOU" has any need of the anguish or the pain, or the condition (s) you currently find yourself in and manifesting?

So, yes, the conditions and circumstances and experiences of your life MUST INDEED BE ILLUSION!

Get that!!!

Will you remember this tomorrow when you wake up worried about your life or some problem you believe you have to solve?

Will you, can you remember, that it is only an illusion?

Can you reclaim YOUR TRUTH ...your true self...and stay outside the illusion to solve the seeming "need" or "lack" or "desire" manifesting in the Illusion as REAL?



Tough, isn't it? This world we've created for ourselves, with all its lack and insufficiency, illness, pain, grief, failure, "not good enough"?

Wouldn't it be great to wake up every day knowing that you really DON'T have to deal with ANY OF IT...because it isn't ...it is NOT...real!?

In "Communion With God," that's exactly what Neale Donald Walsch wants you to do.

He wants you to get so close, indeed inside yourself, inside your GOD self, and realize and remember WHO YOU ARE!

He makes a powerful case for this too!

Chapter, after chapter, he lays out the 10 illusions we've bought into:

1. The Illusion of Need
2. The Illusion of Failure
3. The Illusion of Disunity
4. The Illusion of Insufficiency
5. The Illusion of Requirement.
6. The Illusion of Judgment
7. The Illusion of Condemnation
8, The Illusion of Conditionality
9. The Illusion of Superiority
10. The Illusion of Ignorance

Each illusion, he demonstrates, was created to address the first illusion: NEED!

Without this first illusion, none of the others would exist.

Walsch makes a compelling case for you to want to believe that what's he's saying is true.

Just when you're beginning to doubt him, as you see the PILE OF REALITY sitting beside you needing to be addressed, he takes you step by step again through the process of dismantling each and every illusion.

First, he does this with NEED.

You begin to see the Illusion of NEED as an illusion. You can entertain the thought of "not enough," then see it for what it is, an illusion, and OVERCOME IT!

"By doing this repeatedly, you produce the experience of self-assurance, confident that there will always be enough of whatever you need. This experience will be verified and validated by Ultimate Reality."

"This is what is meant when it is said that one is 'entertaining an idea.' You are in the process of re-creating yourself anew---and this is true recreation!"

Walsch further demonstrates this by combining the Second and Sixth illusions, Failure and Judgment.

By imagining to yourself that you have failed, you then can judge yourself, and accept the judgment of others. "Then you can rise above your failure, raising your fist to the sky with an 'I'll show you' attitude, and triumph in the end!"

With each illusion, Walsch demonstrates "how" it is an illusion, "how" you can embrace it, then discard it, and overcome it.

In these times of seeming need, failure, lack, recriminations, "Communion with God" shines a bright light into the darkness.

Walsch is also author of "Conversations with God" and many other books.

Even if you read "Communion With God" with a healthy level of scepticism, I'm sure that at the end you would have learned something...a little something about YOU...and

... the true power within you to overcome!


NOTE: Our next book review will be an old favorite: "Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukav. Hold onto your seat for That One! I had to, and I'm still feeling the impact.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perfectly timed. I downloaded and signed up for the journal/courses. Thank you.
p.s. I have Seat of the Soul and will be holding on to my seat for that post.

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.