Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day: Trust in the ONE Father of Us All!

Today people world over are celebrating their fathers, either in the flesh, or in their vivid memories of the man who has passed on.

We do this because we can feel, or remember, the evidence of their love: their giving and caring ways, sharing quality time, the values they instilled in us and the responsibility they showed by providing for us in all ways and always.

We knew them. We felt them. We touched them.

Our fathers are, or were, real i.e. flesh and blood.
That's what we know a father to be.

It is not surprising, then, that we find it so hard to trust and believe in the GREATEST father of us all: God.

Day in and Day out, moment by moment, even when our "real" fathers were not there, there was a Presence that never left us, cared for us in myriad ways, picked us up when we fell down, gives us our daily bread and our very breath, directs our path, soothes us when we're troubled, restores us when we falter...

Yet, we have trouble trusting this Father!

"Trust in the Lord with ALL Thine Heart
And lean not to Thine Own Understanding.
In ALL Thy Ways acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy path!"

Psalm 3: 5-6

I literally read a Psalm each day. This verse,
Psalm 3:5-6, though, I used to read every day in addition to the one for the day.

Then some "unexpected" challenge popped up, and I stopped.

I could just imagine my thoughts at that time: "Why bother?"

Now, I'm back to reading it every day because...God makes SENSE again!

I don't know HOW MANY TIMES I have to remind myself that the Spirit within me is GREATER than ANYTHING...ANY...THING...I encounter in the world. Just TRUST!

I've tried affirmations. They work for a while.

Then the next challenge hits...and...there it goes!

Then, I'm "redeemed," and I VOW "never, ever" to distrust GOD.

Then the cycle repeats itself.

I mean GOSH!

Does the guy have to HIT US ON THE HEAD...ALL THE TIME!?

I say "us," because I KNOW I'm NOT the only one in this.

Time after time...after time...after time...God keeps showing up
faithfully in our lives. But what do we do?

We keep doubting his PRESENCE in our lives and his ability to get us out of whatever "sin" we have committed or whatever "evil" has befallen us.

Think of how OLD you are.

Keep that number in your head.

Is it more than 20?
Is it more than 30?
Is it more than 40?
Is it more than 50?
Is it more than 60 years?

Well...believe it or not...that's how LONG you've been doubting the PRESENCE of GOD in your life...and AS YOUR LIFE!

That's what I've been doing for ALL the time I've been here on earth, too.

Yet, with all my spiritual studies, I mean many, many years of spiritual studies and reading books and doing "things," I still can't GET IT on a continuous basis.

I have witnessed MIRACLES. REAL HONEST TO GO(O)DNESS MIRACLES done by my "father"!

I've seen myself wiggle out of the most TRYING circumstances, where I could not turn right...or turn left...but the GRACE of "My Father" delivered me without a scratch.

I have been through ALL Types of challenges.

In recent times, mostly in 2008, there were:

Spiritual Challenges.
Financial Challenges.
Professional Challenges.
Personal and Emotional Challenges.

Had someone dared to measure, there was NO area of my life that was left UNTOUCHED.

But ... a curious thing happened in 2008!

I grew in a way I never could have imagined.

I was stretched and I was pulled. I was poked and I was
stroked. I was spurned, and I was loved.

Through it all...I was VITALLY ALIVE. The real ME
was able to surface.

I thank GOD for 2008!

I lived through it, and I rode the EYE OF THE STORM...and I'm still here.

Yet, instead of believing God, I, and most of us, keep right on doubting his Presence and Power in our lives.

One of Unity's key principles is that "There is ONLY ONE PRESENCE AND ONE POWER IN OUR LIVES...God the Good, the Omnipotent."

No matter what shows up...NO MATTER WHAT shows up... it is ultimately for our GOOD!

This has ALWAYS proven true for me.

My suffering came because of MY PERSONAL DESIRES to have THINGS TURN OUT a certain way.

It was always because I wanted to see things turn out exactly the way I wanted them. But, I tell you this, I'm SO grateful for not getting some of my greatest wishes fulfilled! I thank God for BEING GOD in my life!

So, I think...finally...


I'm getting it...

I'm READY to give up the fight and the struggle!

The way to do it, I know is to remember that I am not here
for MY OWN PURPOSE. I was brought HERE NOW for a specific REASON,
and I need to TRUST God to allow THAT purpose to unfold NATURALLY
WITHOUT any intrusions from me.

I need to step back, totally back, and watch ...YES...WATCH...my life

That's what I've been doing lately. I've had NO CHOICE.

I don't have any more FIGHT IN ME....;-)



Just watching...waiting...following...

where the path leads.

"Light shines in the darkness for the godly..."
Psalms 112:4a NLT

It's a day at a time...

But ...Ohhhhhhh...suddenly...SUDDENLY...I feel SO PURPOSEFUL...WITHOUT THE STRUGGLE!

Yes, by letting go of our own agenda...and just BEING, God has a chance to
step in and do what he must without INTERFERENCE from us.



Go for it! I DARE YOU!

Happy "Our" Father's Day!



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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.