Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Book Review: "How to Use Your Twelve Gifts from God," by William Warch

There are several books written about the 12 powers of man, gifts from the Divine that accompanied us on this journey to Earth. Few books, though, are as simple and straightforward as this 100-page volume by William Warch.

In this volume, published by DeVorss Publications, Warch simply and clearly delineates the 12 Powers with simple, clear definitions before leading into his discussion:

-is my ability to say "Yes" to God and Good.
-draws my good from the invisible to the visible.

-is my ability to be still
-allows me to stick with divine ideas.
-is my patience, tolerance, steadfastness and balance.

-is my ability to discern, evaluate, and make decisions.
-allows Divine Wisdom to flow through me.

-is my ability to know oneness with all.
-is my ability to desire that only good come to all.

-is my ability to change and build consciousness.
-is my ability to choose thoughts and feelings.
-is my ability to transform energy from one plane to another.

-is my ability to give shape and form to unformed mental energy.
-is vision beyond appearances.

-is my ability to know that God stands under all things.
-is my knowing how to accomplish.
-is knowing with my heart.

-is my ability to be willing toward God.
-is always seeking the good for all.
-is my directive power that determines character formation.

-is my ability to develop consciousness in proper sequence- mind, body
and affairs.
-is my adjustment and harmony in health illumination, and prosperity.
-is my ability to keep "God first" in my continuous development.

- is my ability to move forward through spiritual motivation.
- results in my enthusiasm and joy.
- is my affirmative impulse of existence.

-is my ability to give a "NO" response to the untrue and undesirable.
-helps me eliminate errors and expand good.
-is to release and forgive as well as to let go of old thoughts.

- is my ability to mend, restore, and draw upon the living Christ for all life functions.
- is my progress, attainment, and mastery.

I especially like Warch's calling out of specific scriptures from the King James Version of the Bible at the end of each "power" to support his position. Then, too, I like his offering of denials and affirmations at the end of each segment.

Warch explains in the Introduction that he drew upon the writings of Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity School of Christianity, Lee Summit, Missouri. I read that "Twleve Powers of Man," by Fillmore, which is a classic on the subject. With Warch's look at the 12 Powers, we are quickly made aware of how we may either be neglecting or misusing/misdirecting these gifts, thus misaligning our very lives.

I highly recommend this little volume as a quick read and pick-me-up and for realigning to the engine within you, especially during these challenging times. It truly is a gift for the Soul!


NOTE: In October, we'll look at the Charles Fillmore classic, "Talks on Truth," to dovetail on the profile of Unity Minister Rev. Joy Wyler.

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.