Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The CONVERGENCE: "We are Becoming ONE!"

I saw a program recently on PBS, where Deepak Chopra said, "We look at the organism as separate from us, but it is not separate; we're one!"

Almost every time I go onto Facebook, I'm struck by how much the worlds of work and home, family and friends, are now blended!

There are no barriers anymore among work friends and childhood friends, colleagues or just people we know. In the world of Facebook, "they are all ONE!"

If the planet were conspiring for this convergence, it did not share its scheme with those of us who kept talking about the "ONENESS" within and that which constitutes us all! Then Facebook happened, and viola, without warning, here we are...all together...with our worlds welded together as ONE!

I'd previously commented on Facebook and how I thought it was only for those who wanted to be "showcasing themselves." Well, I was very, very wrong.[Who says a spiritual director can't be opinionated...especially one who is a writer!]

Now that Facebook has become an integral part of my day, I see now that I was unwilling to fully open myself to the benefits of this wonderful social networking tool.

Facebook brings people of disparate and diverse backgrounds, callings and interests all together. Your participation on Facebook can be whatever works for you as a "socialized" individual: sharing pictures, what you had for dinner, what your innermost thoughts are and in fact, just about everything you do in the course of the day.

I don't think there is a right or wrong way to use Facebook. It just is...whatever...you make it.

What I especially like about it is its openness to allowing people to feel free to share intimacies.... with even strangers they know will be reading their information. It shows that people will SPEAK their truths, let their voices be heard! They also can share their lives with family and friends, without having to have them be "right next door."

It also allows people, who are sensitive enough and caring enough, to "detect" when someone may be veering into trouble and seriously in need of help.

There are so many other ways the world is binding together as one.

There's the global economy, where transactions can be conducted in any monetary system and language, without too many hassles and headaches, in minutes!The Internet changed that by opening up easier lines of communication.

People can sell products just as easily to people in Europe, Asia, Africa as they can in the United States and Canada. Borders are disappearing rapidly, as far as commerce and commercial ventures.

Today, it also is not uncommon for people to speak several different languages...but the language that is becoming more commonplace is the language of "Love."

You keep seeing it crop up in many ordinary conversations now and used by both men and women very easily in casual conversations with their friends, family, and colleagues. It is no longer that "love," is a term reserved for lovers. It's used just as easily to express how you feel about people who previously would have been "my coworkers." People are hugging each other now in the workplace! Families & friends are becoming blended!

I'm reminded of this "one world" we're now living in whenever I get a loving comment from the Chinese reader(s) of this blog, who post his/her comments whenever my blog appears.

I love this new world we're moving into and that is growing so big and all encompassing.

Who knows...pretty soon...

This new world just might cover the world we once knew.

This new world just might swallow the world we grew up knowing: where yours was YOURS and mine was MINE!

Who knows...pretty soon...

This new world may completely cover over the hurt and pain and separations of the past...

Who knows...pretty soon...

This new world may help us see the obvious connections we miss when a friend calls just when we're sending energy his/her way...

Who knows...pretty soon...
We all truly may be ONE!

Then who knows: the human and the spiritual would also be ONE, where we would not be able to detect the separation...

Wouldn't that be a wonderful world!


NOTE: Today's Daily Word speaks of Peace in the World! Also cut/paste this link to check out "Take a Friend to Work:" http://www.dailyword.com/articles/2010/august/take-friend-work

Daily Word, Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010--

" 'I see peace; I speak peace; I live from a peaceful heart.'

Consciously pausing to feel the steady, rhythmic beat of my heart and the deep and calming flow of my breath, I dedicate myself to expressing peace today.

Asa child of God, I share a common heritage of divine love with all people. I remember this as I think and speak of others today, as I interact, and as I agree or disagree with other points of view. I appreciate the diversity that adds richness, beauty and strength to the tapestry of humankind.

The words I choose and the tone in which I speak convey my peaceful intentions. I look for opportunities to share a smile, a kind word and a helping hand. I am a presence of peace. I see peace; I speak peace; I live from a peaceful heart."

Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding
.--Romans 14:19


Anonymous said...

Posted from email:

"Beautiful blog today. I didn’t see where to comment."

from Cecilia

Anonymous said...


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.