Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Uniting Parallel Universes: In One Heartbeat

"There is no one reality. Each of us lives in a separate universe. That's not speaking metaphorically. This is the hypothesis of the stark nature of reality suggested by recent developments in quantum physics. Reality in a dynamic universe is non-objective. Consciousness is the only reality."
M. R. Franks, "The Universe and Multiple Realities."

Hameln, Germany.
Brighton, United Kingdom.
Motherwell, United Kingdom.
Moerdijk, Netherlands.
Gteborg, Sweden.
Sudbury, Canada.
Troms, Norway.
Tijuana, Mexico.
Kanpur, India.
New Delhi, India.
Warsaw, Poland.
Moscow, Russia
Weinsberg, Germany.
Johannesburg, South Africa
P'ing Tung, Taiwan.

These are all cities where people have recently visited my blog. So, as I write this post, I have an awareness that I'm not writing for myself. I have a connection with several people throughout the world, even though I may never ever meet them.

What I know about me and these folks around the world, as well as those in the many U.S. cities who read my blog, is that we connect at some time right here in this space. We may be in different time zones. Some even speak other languages. But, somehow, in some way, we manage to connect with each other.

Whose *world is real?

Is it mine, because I write what I see and feel?

Is it theirs, as they read and feel?

Is it ours, as we connect in the moment of reading the words on the computer?

Whose *world is the real world?

This question came to mind over the last several weeks when California and Florida were enjoying 60-to-70-degree temperatures, with people in many parts of these states wearing shorts and flip-flops outside. Contrast that with the Midwest, East Coast and most of the rest of the country, where several feet of snow and ice covered streets and homes and had many folks buried in defeat and frustration.

"If quantum physics, relativity, and modern cosmology have taught us anything, it is that things are not always the way they seem."
- Quote from the book, "The View from the Center of the Universe."

Even aside from the time difference, people in the same time zones, in the same cities, in the same house, in the same family, go about their day, each day, in parallel universes. They don't see into each other's world, much less understand it!

Some are rushing to work at a factory; some at an office.
Some are rushing to school; some at home with the kids.

Whose *world is real, anyway?

The only time all of these parallel *universes ever stop ...at the same time and place...is when there is a common cause uniting us.

We don't have to search too long and hard to remember those incidences of devastation:

- The 2005 hurricane,"Katrina," which swept through New Orleans.
-The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
-September 11, 2001 catastrophe that struck in New York City.
-The 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
-Then more recently images of one million-plus people in Egypt walking the streets, demanding their rights, in the first week of February 2011, then becoming jubilant on Feb. 12, when President Hosni Mubarak resigned and fled the country. Now, Egyptians are looking forward to the establishment of a democratic form of government.

These are moments in time when all of the world stopped and watched and wondered.

Yet, we were not connected in time, as we were in different places in the world.
Yet, we were not connected by a common reality, as each catastrophe's victims obviously felt much more pain than the pain we felt watching.
[Victim of Hurricane Katrina is pictured above]
So what connected us? What made these incidences real and stopped the parallel universes from moving along their cruise controls?


Simply ...and only...love.

Love for each other.

Love for mankind.

Love for our humanity.


This invisible thread at the center of each of our parallel universes is love.

At the heart...at the center of each of our worlds...is our Soul (Spirit).

The one Soul (Spirit) unites us always in our humanity.
[Images are the work of Sudarshan Patnaik, a resident of Puri, Orissa, India. He converts sand beaches into a beautiful art gallery using just sand and his hands and has since won several prizes at international sand sculpture festivals around the world.]

It is the Soul (Spirit) that binds us together in thought and in our feelings of "shared experiences."

Yes. The fact that there are billions of parallel universes this Soul (Spirit) has to oversee at any given time makes its work difficult to discern.

But without this oneness of Soul (Spirit)...without this attention from the one...

How would we, who cannot see each and don't know each other, find a common thread of unity...but through The ONE?

This invisible thread is the essence of who we always are at our CORE.

This invisible thread always is trying to reach out and touch us ...

even as we go about our different parallel universes each and every day of our lives.

Yet, we wonder, why, sometimes, on some days, and at some times...

We have visited upon us...

One moment...

One time...

when we must stop...all...and have our hearts beat together ...

as one.

This is a message from the Soul.

It reminds us to ...Love.

It reminds us that we are of...One Love.

Parallel universes?

We can choose.

We can see, even feel differences in our lives...in our worlds...

When we choose to separate...

When we choose not to feel...

the singular essence of who we are...


It is our Essence and in our Essence!

Happy Valentine's Day.

Candies for Valentine?

How about...connection...with your Soul?

Where ever you may be as you read this...

May you come to recognize that at our center...our hearts always beat as ONE!

*NOTE: Throughout this post, the word, "Universe" can be substituted with "world." It is my firm believe there is only ONE true Universe, which is Cosmic, and ruled by "The ONE!"

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.