Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Count it All ...Good. And Give Thanks!

"Almost dying was another shell I had to break. It has led me to realize that each self unfolds, just one concentric womb en route to another, each encompassing the last."
--Mark Nepo, Book of Awakening, Nov. 12

Can you handle this thought: All the products on the shelves of America, and in the world, have nothing on YOU!?

We are born into this world, unfolding as we go. All the packaging and wrapping from our former self is now encased within.

Can you handle this?

Can you handle the thought that we came into the world ...[gasp]...prepackaged?

Come ON!

Certainly you had a sense of this as you unfolded...into the newness that was YOU!?

Certainly you've had a sense of "knowing" that the
"newness" wasn't so new...that it was all part of the "presence" that was YOU all along?

The concept of being "prepackaged" goes against all the spiritual teachings that suggest we're co-creating our life and experience... indeed even our world... as we grow in consciousness.

So "prepackaging" would seem to defy this thinking.

But bear with me.

We are prepackaged!

This is true.

But I'm not simply talking about our X and Y chromosomes.

Like any product on the shelf that has been made by man, we, too, are "prepackaged" with all the key ingredients necessary to do the work we were created to do. Indeed, we came into the world "gift wrapped!"

The difference between us and the products on the shelves, though, is that the alchemy of our thinking, our environment, our experiences, and our consciousness is what ultimately decides "the next self" that we unfold into. That's how we get to co-create. Because that part...that alchemical mixture...has not yet been determined.

We get to decide...the mix that will go into the next "new self" that unfolds.

We get to decide...the purity of that mixture, whether it's going to be a good or bad mixture, based on the choices that we make day by day...moment by moment.

We get to decide that.

We get to decide whether yesterday's negative experience with a significant other will be the experience that determines our "next new self" as it unfolds. [Are we going to grow into a bitter man or woman, with a frown always on our face?]

We get to decide whether an illness, temporary setback or disappointment is going to determine our fate for the rest of our lives. [Are we going to be scared to live out loud?]

We get to decide that.

We get to decide so much about the color of our "packaging," the attractiveness or repulsion, of that next self.

The thing is that we are ...yes..."prepackaged."

We are "prepackaged" by a loving, steady hand that had only good in store when he created us.

We are made in his image and likeness. That likeness ...that image...is all good...all love...all purity ...all of the highest essence and ingredients.

We can be sure that the ingredients that were poured into us at birth were carefully sorted out...cell by cell...limb by limb...muscle by muscle...and it was all counted good.

The thing is that along the way we got confused.

We forgot our power!

We ran into certain obstacles and challenges that made us forget that we're prepackaged for GOOD...and ONLY Good.

We have certain experiences that tend to make us forget the purity of our DNA and that if we're a child of God...IF...we are a child of God, we cannot inherit sickness...illness...disease of any kind... or DIS-EASE of any kind.

Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity School of Christianity, healed herself of a childhood illness by affirming constantly, "I am a child of God and I cannot inherit sickness or illness of any kind."

Growing up as a frail child, Myrtle claimed her birthright as a child of God, and she died at the nice old age of 86.

We forget our heritage as children of God.

We forget our prepackaging.

We forget about the key ingredients that run through our souls.

We forget our heritage of pureness and goodness and strength.

We forget.

We forget because we allow...yes...we ALLOW...we CHOOSE...to believe in the conditions and situations that strip us of our power and our birthright as children of God, made for wholeness and OF wholeness.

But we do have a choice.

We get to choose.

...whether we're gonna stay "shrink wrapped," by refusing to live or we're going to allow each wrapping to unfold, through whereever life takes us, fold by fold, until we get to the very core of our being.

We get to decide this.

We get to decide the "next self" that unfolds.

Unlike the packages on the grocery shelves or in stores throughout the world that have a finite number of "good ingredients" and often a certain "shelf life," we get to add our own mix into "the self" that unfolds.

I want you to begin to make a different choice today about the ingredients that you're putting into your "next self" that is set to emerge.

I want you to choose to see the good...and only good... even in the midst of the most daunting challenge that faces you today.

I want you to choose to KNOW...that no matter how bad...the circumstances facing you today...you get to decide the way you're going to walk into the world as "the next self" that is YOU.

Through it all, I recommend you hold fast to this truth:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path."-Proverb 3: 5-6

No matter what you're facing as "Thanksgiving Day" approaches, I want you to count it ALL GOOD!

I want you to begin to turn your thinking around and begin to claim your heritage.

If you're facing lack, as Myrtle Fillmore recommends, begin to affirm:
"I am a child of God, and I do not inherit poverty. I was born to be rich!"
If you're facing emotional distress, because of the absence of a loved one, affirm:
"I am a child of God, and I do not inherit loneliness. I was born to be loved!"
If you're facing illness, claim health as your birthright as a child of the living God, affirm:

"I am a child of God and no sickness of any kind belongs in my life. I was born to be healthy and only healthy."

Continue to affirm and believe in the TRUTH of who you are.

Develop a new consciousness about yourself.

As you do, the packaging that you are will begin to peel off and the inner layer of the "new you" will emerge.

Claim your power.

Claim your divinity.

Claim your birthright.

Claim your ESSENCE!

No matter what the experience....

Count it all Good!

Give Thanks.

Give Thanks to God in advance of the manifestation. Know that he made it all "GOOD!"

Happy Thanksgiving!


EDITOR'S NOTE: This post is dedicated to all those people who are carrying a heavy load on their hearts as they celebrate Thanksgiving Day. God IS in charge.

1 comment:

Che' Vyfhuis said...

Comment from email...I'm proud to repost:
"Wonderful blog!"

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.