Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Connecting With Soul: Make a FULL Commitment And Surrender All!

This is the third of three blog posts on the Soul. Do not be misled by the beginning. Read this blog through to the end for its TRUTH. 

 Matthew 6:22 :"The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

Someone sent a text message to me:
"Jesus is Lord."
I texted back: "Jesus is our Lord AND Savior!"

It is absolutely pointless to me to get into a debate about why Jesus is not "the Lord" of our lives.

For those who need to believe in religious teachings, seeing Jesus as the "religion," instead of as the person who tried to empower us to do what things he did and "the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my father," John 14:12, no argument would be sufficient.

Those people need to believe in Jesus.

We all need to believe in Jesus.
I especially believe in Jesus.
I especially believe in the example Jesus, the Christ, set for us all!

As often as I can, I quietly recite the rosary.
Mother Mary has become my best friend.

IF I WISHED TO DO SO: This Holy Week, Id be saying so many  "Holy Mary's," it would make an auctioneer blush in shame...so often...so quickly...so frequently would I be saying them to celebrate this most holy of weeks in the Christian religion.

Yes. I'm glad there is a religion called Christianity.
We all need a religion, whether Christianity or something else.
We need religion, if only to help us focus on a starting point to begin...truly begin...to recognize
the source of our lives.

The problem is that most people refuse to grow up from their childhood days! They still need a "savior," a "father figure" in their lives to protect them from the big, bad world.

In truth, we do need to have a father and a savior.
But I'm here to tell you: there is no place to go to find it but inside your own SOUL! 

The truth is...that YOUR SOUL...is your "savior...and your father."

Without getting to know the "father within" you, who doeth the work, you will search the ends of the earth...you will search through all the alcoholic beverages on the shelf...yes, even pay $650 a bottle for a fine bottle of 1992 Dom Perignon Oenotheque Rose' and you won't find your father.

Yes...you may feel bliss for a day or two...as you sip slowly that pure, liquid "gold;" you may feel that "you can fly and touch the sky," as you snort into your nostrils that substance that looks like snow.

Search. Yes...keep on sipping...keep on snorting...keep on looking! 

You will never stop paying...and paying..and paying...and looking..and looking for that "savior."

The only way to make your way through is by connecting with your self.

The only "father" you've got is within you. 
The only "Lord" of your life is within you...in your Soul!
Yep. The only "savior" you've got... say it...is "my soul!" 

Even your own birth "father" can't help you there, unless he's found "him" within himself.
Even your own birth "mother," who may be called, Mary, cannot help you there, unless she has found "her" within herself.

Sometimes...I get angry that the truth is lost to so many.

I wonder why it is so difficult for the world to see the truth of Jesus and all he tried to teach us.

Yes, Jesus did  try to SAVE us... he is our "savior."
He tried to save us from ourselves and our blind ignorance.

Jesus, at a tender age of 33, truly discovered the CHRIST of his being when he died on the cross.

At an early age (unknown), he discovered the truth within him, and spent the rest of his life trying to teach us this truth about ourselves, too. Jesus went to his death, trying to tell us the truth...

But the truth he tried to tell us was not about HIM, it was about US!

Yes...Jesus is Lord and Savior!

Yes...Jesus is our master and our god!


I say to ALL that...

Because if we can master the truth of what he taught ...
If we can find "salvation" from looking at the world with
the wrong eyes, he should be revered and honored and deified.

Yes...I love Jesus. Yes...Jesus is my savior...Yes...Jesus is my lord...

I say, "Alleulia...Thank you, Jesus."
I say, "The Lord and Savior of MY LIFE is Jesus."

Alleulia and Amen.

When I'm done from bowing down in gratitude to Jesus, the Christ,
for showing me the way...

Then, I rise up...
and wake up the SPIRIT OF THE LORD within me!

As a member of the *Rosicrucian Order, I know the LORD of my being is my 
Soul...I know the Lord of my Life IS MY SOUL!

The only "cross" I have to bear is that of forgetfulness and

The times I've forgotten THAT...
The times I've walked blindly through life not acknowledging its existence...
even though it couldn't help showing up...
The times I've tried to ignore it...are the times that it has shown me
who is MASTER...who is LORD ...who is the CHRIST within me! 

I thank you, master. I thank you, the Lord of my life...my consciousness...my
breath...my beingness.

I thank you for your PRESENCE in my life, especially at those moments when I've
reached the lowest points of my being!

I reached those low points by looking  to the world for its salvation.
I reached those low points by looking OUTSIDE of my Soul
for answers.
I reached those low points by answering the world in the ways
of the world.

I lost connection with MY SOUL!

The only way...the only way...to stay connected...is
to shut out "the sights" of the world from becoming
a part of who and what you are in this world.

Do not look for answers "without."
Seek the truth within. Always.

Look inside you ...ALWAYS...AND IN ALL WAYS...
for the answer.

Yes, the road is lonely.
Yes, the road gets thorny.
Yes, the road is filled with potholes.
Yes, you will want to turn back many...many times.

But keep your heart centered in the TRUTH of your beingness.
Keep your mind focused on the center of your being...
Your core...

Therein lies your TRUTH.

Keep focused...make a full commitment...and surrender ALL to your Soul!

Like Jesus, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." --John 8:32

Thank you, Jesus. 

Alleuia and Amen!

Happy Easter:  May the Spirit of the Christ rise within you, as well!

Let the egg that hatches be within YOU!
Until it hatches become "single-eyed" about it too!


*NOTE: This blog does not in any way attempt to recruit for the Rosicrucian Order. AMORC is mentioned here in the spirit of "full disclosure." 

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.