Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Miracle At "One Minute After Midnight": Time, Timelessness and NOW!

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Then, it was 10 seconds before we entered the new year.

Less than a week ago, with 10 "tick tocks" we'd entered the year  2013.

The arrival of one moment in time (tick tock) brought to many people a period of new hopes, dreams and resolutions. They'd made a shift into a new consciousness and way of "being" in the world.

Life was beginning again in that new moment, yet it was just one moment of many trillions of moments we experience in our lives.

Time. Wish we could package it in a bottle, don't we?

Time. Wish we can store it for eternity, don't we?

Time. Wish we sometimes can keep it still, don't we?

Where is the year 2012? Has it gone somewhere to be"stored "? Where has that "time," known as 2012,  gone?

Can we go back about *half-million moments since Dec. 31, 11:59 pm,  2012, and rewind them and recapture that moment in time?

Of course we can't.

We can't recapture even the moment before this, when you began to read this piece.

What is time, and where does it go? Where is "time" stored?

Looking at one dictionary's definition of time, we see that it's a word used to describe a unit of measuring ...well...moments:
"The measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration
b : a non-spatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future" -Merriam Webster 
Wikipedia explains that some of the greatest minds in philosophy could not agree on the meaning of time, so it suggests "some simple, relatively uncontroversial definitions of time include...
 "...time is what clocks measure" and "time is what keeps everything from happening at once." 

 On an individual basis, we each track time through memories. We remember something  having happened a year ago, 10 years ago, or in our childhood.

Yet, even in our memories, the events and memories do not give us a way to measure time, other than a "sense" of a long-ago period, or a more recent period, in our memories.

I will not try in this piece to do what philosophers over the centuries have been unable to do. But 
I've chosen to focus on this subject at this time because of the sense of hopefulness, renewal and expectations a new year brings. 

Nothing really changed in essence at 12:01 January 1, 2013,  but each of us decided and had a "sense" that a new thing had happened.

Throughout the world, people came to a consensus that a new thing had happened in that one moment, and because we all agreed in consciousness to its occurrence, a "new year" happened. Thus, we entered into a new consciousness about life.

This occurrence that we experience only one time a year throughout the world should give us a reason to pause... and think. People throughout the world come to agreement, albeit unconsciously, about almost every major event that is happening and has happened in our lives and world. See 100th Monkey theoryWikipedia offers clear explanation of "100th Monkey Theory."

We should realize that this "minute after midnight" agreement, when the world comes to a full stop and enters into a  new consciousness about time, is a demonstration to us that we are co-creating our world with the Universe itself.

The year 2013 was not "waiting for us" out there somewhere! We brought the year 2013 into being by a shift in thinking. Those who'd gone before us had left their mark and way to measure each sunrise and sunset, delineated by the sun, moon and stars, by the word "time." The Universe gives us these gifts each day; what we do with them is our gift back to the Universe.

Instead of simply rolling out of bed and just knowing  
"the time," were we to wake up with a sense of renewal is to enter into a consciousness of timelessness, even as we're here NOW! When we're able to do this, and we're also able to realize our connection with all living beings, all species, on Earth, we are AWAKE. ["But be not confirmed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind," Romans 12:2.] 

An awakened consciousness allows us to see things from a higher view. We're able to see the relationship of all living, indeed even non-living, things to each others. We also then can see that  events happening around the world are not at all random.

Knowing that events are not random,  we clearly can see that the world cannot, and will not, change until the "world of people," who inhabit Earth at this time, agree in some way that change must occur. Often, the change in consciousness is very gradual and subtle and does not require our active involvement in any way.  We just need to stay OPEN. Throughout the world, people change their consciousness about critical areas in life each day with a simple shift in perspective.

Over the centuries, it is this shift...this silent agreement of people throughout the world in their consciousness... that has changed  world history. Walls have tumbled, slaves freed and events good, and bad,  have changed course throughout the world. (Please enjoy this video which I discovered on 1/13, i.e. exactly a week after this post! Synchronicity:  Scientists speaks on Interconnectedness)

We should know then that whatever wrongs still remain in our world today will only be righted when enough people throughout the world come to an agreement and reach the same consciousness. Here's one small example of  what's still wrong: "My Mother's Rape" in India.

Life is consciousness.

Life is our conscious attention to the events and details unfolding before us, around us, and through us.

Should we remove our attention for one moment on events unfolding in our lives, we have not truly "lived" that moment; we've passed through it.

Fortunately for us, beyond the conscious mind is the super-conscious mind that tracks each and every single second of our activities and finds a place to store it...yes, in the mind (brain).

This super-conscious mind is the part of us that truly is the us that lives for us and as us, even when we're blinded by pain, shame, or blame.

It focuses on the job at hand: tick tock tick tock tick tock.

This is our Soul.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Should we in every moment of time stay alert and connected to our Soul as moments intertwine with moments, we all just may begin to WAKE UP and keep the  "sense" of renewal as we move forward into our days and nights.

Should we try throughout 2013 to capture that "one minute after midnight" sensation in our bodies by staying connected only to the moment at hand,  magic just might happen as "time" turns into timelessness.

Capture the moments. Stay with your Soul.
Re-live the "minute after midnight" over and over again to take you through all moments of the year 2013. Don't dwell on 2012; it's gone.

Stay awake...Stay alert...Stay in the NOW.** 

Together, we can change our world!

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.


*NOTE: Calculation based on 86, 400 seconds each day for five days, then 3, 600 seconds each hour for five hours,  on 6th day. Total=450, 000 seconds.
**I strongly recommend Eckart Tolle's "The Power of Now."


Che' Vyfhuis said...

Wow! Thank you, MaDuke, for sharing your thoughts and feelings about where you were in consciousness when you read this piece. I also appreciate your included Alan Moore's quote. It fits so perfectly with my trend of thoughts and also with this "Miracle at "One Minute After Midnight."
The key is to STAY with the moment, connecting continuously, with your Soul.

Have a prosperous 2013!
Namaste' & Peace Profound,

Che' Vyfhuis said...

edit: "your including Alan Moore's quote."

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.