Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hold the Vision. Live the LIFE!

 "FOCUS" is the title of this Epic Mother Nature photo. FOCUS is indeed what keeps us in the moment .

Somewhere in our distant childhood, we got the impression that we were moving into a life that already was waiting for us.

We had a sense that the "future" was patiently waiting for us, and all we had to do was to grow up, and it'll all be there.

Photo Credit: Epic Mother Nature 
Have you grown up yet? Do you know what I know now as ...The Truth?

It takes a while.

It takes a long while to realize that life is not waiting for us somewhere in the future.
It takes a while to realize that life requires more of us than us just being good and good things will automatically happen for us.

It may take a long, long while to realize that life needs our active participation.

I guess it all starts with the books we read, having a beginning, middle and an end.

Those story are already written. And they are written in such a way that we're led to believe
that you do A, and B follows, then C, D, E, F.

The part we may have missed throughout all the story telling is that our future is in our present, and there's no end to our story, except the one we're writing.

We are creating our lives in each moment we make a choice.

That's the part we missed.

Each moment of our lives dictates the future we're going to walk into.
Each decision we make tells us about the path we intend to follow.

So, yes, we learn from our parents that our behaviors, actions and choices do have consequences.
We hear their advice and warnings to do and be right with the world, and to walk a certain

With our parents as our guides and leading the way, we thought that they already were in a world that was fully formed, and all we had to do was to grow up and discover it.

The part we missed, the really essential part we missed, is that our parents, too, and those before them and generations before, simply were moving into the world that also was unfolding before them as they walked.

The future is now.
The past is now.
The present is our life.

See where you are ...and take stock.

Where are you?
Are you happy?
What brought you here?   

Understand that where you are now...is Holy ground.
This is the life you've created...good or bad...by the power
of your conscious thoughts, habits, behaviors, beliefs and

As you look around you...
...You may feel stuck.

How do you get out of here?
How do you get out of feeling stuck?

Don't panic.
Don't panic about the past that got you here.
Don't panic about the future that is not yet here.

See yourself in the moment.What are your thoughts?Who do you think you are?
 Who do you think others think you are? Do you care what others think you are?  What image are you projecting of yourself?  Is it accurate to the picture you are carrying about yourself?  Is it reflecting you?



If you don't know about the image you have about yourself.
If you think others see you in a way you do not see yourself.
If your reflection is showing up differently than you intended,
then, begin to recreate.

Begin to hold the image of yourself that you want to see on the outside.

If you see that all you've done was to berate and belittle yourself,
comparing yourself to other people and falling short: you've got work to do!

You've got work to do because the only image you should be holding
of yourself is the one that honors you and your journey so far in life.

Anything less?

Is a false impression you're giving to the world.

You owe it to yourself...and the world...to allow us an accurate
view into the Soul that is you.

Let the world see who you are...
Don't look for people's approval.
Just show up tomorrow...

In the moment.

Your past is gone.
Your future is yet to be.
Time will reveal to the world just who you are.

But that person...for tomorrow's world...is being created today. Now.
In this moment.

Keep that vision of the way you want to walk into the future
ahead of you....
But remember:                                                       In each step you take today...
In each choice you make today...
You are dictating whether the vision will become real...or distorted.

Hold the vision.
Live the life.
You've got the Power to CREATE!


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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.