Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Striving to be Spiritual, not Holy, in the Workplace!

Years ago an engineer in one of my classes at Unity Village made a statement that has stayed with me over the years. He said that those of us striving to grow on the spiritual path while in the corporate world are “in the closet,” and he boldly challenged us to “get out of the closet” about our spirituality in those workplaces.

His statement has stayed with me because I wish it were that simple.

Over the years, I've struggled with this issue. When I was promoting my book, this was the key question many people were concerned about: how do you balance your spirituality in the workplace?

After much thought, here are my thoughts.

The greatest challenge for many on the spiritual path is how to maintain their corporate positions, without betraying their inner sanctuary. Few workplaces today have any tolerance for spirituality in their corridors, offices and cubicles. So maintaining equilibrium between the spiritual and the professional is one of the greatest challenges for so many people.

I, personally, have walked away from places and people who have posed too great a threat to my inner sanctuary. I certainly don’t recommend this route for the faint hearted. For me, it was the only way I could truly survive those times.

Now that I’ve gained greater footing in my spiritual roots, I no longer feel as if I have to be away in order to thrive and survive, despite the work world remaining the same. This is all part of the redemptive value of “seeking first,” before then entering into that world of "work."

The challenge, though, continues to be keeping the secret.

I don’t want anyone in the workplace really knowing my secret. I don’t want people knowing my inner pulse. You see, I still continue to be fiercely competitive as a corporate person. I don’t want to give anyone an upper hand in perceiving about me a weakness that they may exploit. For that reason, I truly dislike it when people describe something I’ve done as "sweet."

Years ago I learned this important lesson about not letting others in on your secret. There was a small staff of PR and Communications people, so in the spirit of openness, I allowed some co-workers to get to know me. Whenever I reflect on it now, I shake my head at my naivete’.

Once people know who they think you are...some want to run away. They think somehow you’re going to “contaminate” their world with your spirituality! Others, not understanding anything about your belief system, automatically think you’re a “religious freak!”Yet others believe that you won’t be capable of doing the work because you’d be praying through the day. In their ignorance, they somehow believe, you’d try to transform them and their place of “worship.”

Little do they know!

I truly have NO interest in sharing my spiritual life with people who are so unconscious to their inner world that I would have to inject them with awareness. That is NOT my job; that is not the role I ever aspire to play in anyone’s life. Life itself, eventually, will take care of that. Even the most spiritually comatosed people come awake in a crisis or emergency. That’s when they shout, ”God Help me!”

And maybe...just maybe...that’s when their journey will begin.

Why are people so scared of those of us who would be spiritual?

Their egos.

Spiritual growth is a threat to the ego’s survival: Gosh...to give up...to GIVE UP...MY view of the world! Never! Never! I love my view of the world. I like my way of seeing people the way I do. I love my way of being jealous and hating and getting even. That makes me ...in CONTROL!

When I finally became aware that Spirit was asking me to give up my ego, I begged...truly begged...for “this plate be taken from me.”

The hardest thing to give up in life is our ego. And in this ONE lifetime, most of us won’t.

EGO is the essence of our humanity!

It is this very EGO that tells a corporate manager that you don’t have a pulse if you are not spewing hate at the competition! Some companies want you to actively seek to destroy their closest competition. Some use every low tactic...every way to fight...to win. They think you can’t fight...if you don’t have that fierceness to WIN AT ALL COSTS. They fear...that without YOUR EGO...you ...they...cannot survive!

How do you stay competitive in the corporate world, without foregoing your spiritual strivings?

You let Spirit lead.

Yes, you start every assignment with an awareness of Spirit. Yes, you pray. But do so...in secret! Don’t move your lips; move your heart!

You pray to be truly creative. You pray to let Spirit guide your hands, your thoughts and your feet. You ask most, especially, that your work benefits others. You also strive to do work that overall is for the greater good of all.

If you truly are at your most creative, if you truly are putting forth your most inspiring self, i.e. you truly are at your best, then Spirit will take care of the rest. No matter how much it seems that the competition is gaining, or has gained, ground, you don’t give in...you don’t give up. You keep on moving and striving and focusing on your goal.

Trust Spirit...to do the rest.

As to the question of interacting with others in the workplace who would feel the threat of your spirituality: you keep your secret, making it only your business and God’s business. Treat everyone with kindness, respect and courtesy as another human being on the path. Strive also to keep the “namaste’” attitude even with those who would seek to disturb your peace. Eventually, others may ask, in admiration about your style. Then...if you feel led...you can tell them your secret.

The secret is that in the workplace, you should strive to stay connected to your Spirit, you should not strive for Holiness. That’s what the Pope, the nuns and the monks are doing. That’s why they are living “outside” the world of "work." That’s why you also should strive to support these people in any way you can with your financial contributions. They are holding the fort for all of us!

In the workplace, don't try to be on any type of mission.

You don’t have to transform any soul...just your own.



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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.