Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Learning to Live Deliberately as an Avatar!

Many, many years ago, someone at Unity Village, where I was taking classes, shared with me information on “Living Deliberately,” as an avatar. I was fascinated and immediately ordered the book and home study course on Living Deliberately.”

The book and materials cost approximately $25, and I got much more than my money's worth! Through the workbook on “Resurfacing Techniques,” I was able to assess different periods in my life where events had happened, but I was not fully aware of their impact and thus did not appropriately address those situations at the time. I clearly saw then how the residuals effects from those “unconscious events” were manifesting in my life.

So powerful were the “Living Deliberately” book and its companion “Resurfacing” workbook on my overall experience that I sought to find a “master” in my area to continue further study. Alas, however, there was none to be found.

Since then, the landscape of Star’s Edge Avatar program has changed dramatically and significantly from those days, which must have been in the early 90s.

New “Avatar© Masters” are being licensed at a very impressive rate, and I’m sure there is at least one in every major metropolitan area in the United States. The reason, very simply, is that the techniques work!

The basic Avatar© program offers you a look at events in life that you may not have even noticed, much less realized, their impact on your current life situation. What is even more impressive is that the program makes total and absolute sense and does not require you to suspend your sense of reality and experience to “get it.”

The Beginning
Avatar©self development system of courses was introduced by Harry Palmer, born April 3, 1944. He developed the system of courses and founded and owns Star's Edge, Inc., which trains and licenses Avatar© Masters (teachers) to deliver the Avatar© Course worldwide.

In October 1986, Palmer released the first version of The Avatar Course. Today, the course now has five sections, with licensed Avatar© Masters teaching the first three, and the two advanced sections being taught at Star's Edge, Inc.
headquarters in Orlando, Florida.

Star’s Edge Florida Headquarters manages more than 10,000 licensed Avatar© teachers (masters) in 71 countries. Supervising this network are a staff of administrators and a team of experienced trainers from Australia, Germany, Holland, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, USA, and Venezuela.

Star's Edge, Inc. also hosts advanced courses in Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and United States

Founder’s Background & Beginnings
Palmer often is portrayed as an educational psychologist. In actuality, he received a Bachelor of Art in English from Ithaca College in 1969 and a Masters in Education from Elmira College in 1971, and gained certification to teach English in secondary schools.

Harry Palmer and his Star-Edge, Inc., wife and partner, Avra Honey-Smith, both studied Scientology for many years and achieved high levels in the religion. For approximately 10 years, 1974-1984, Palmer officially operated a Scientology mission for the Church of Scientology in Elmira, New York.

Palmer’s relationship with the Church of Scientology ended abruptly in 1ate 1984 and soon after, he produced the first of the Avatar-related materials, including the Thoughtstorm Manual. This and other early Avatar materials made extensive use of Scientology terminology, according to research.

It seems that Palmer has been able to cull the best of Scientology and marry those teachings with the best of East/West teachings on Consciousness and Human Development. Something clearly is working for folks taking the program!

What does "Avatar" Really Mean?

Avatar, in English, basically means "an embodiment, a bodily manifestation of the Divine." However, the Sanskrit word Avatara means "incarnation." The term is used primarily in Hindu texts. For example, Krishna is the eighth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu the Preserver, whom many Hindus worship as God. The Dasavatara are ten particular "great" incarnations of Vishnu.

Granted, studying Avatar© materials is not for everyone. Neither is the price tag, where master courses run into the thousands of dollars. But even getting the "Living Deliberately" materials and the Resurfacing workbook will provide preliminary insights into the teaching, can only elevate your thinking and help you to begin living deliberately.If applied conscientiously, I truly believe the avatar teachings can have a powerful impact on your life in a very positive and empowering way.

The Program
The nine-day self-empowerment Avatar training is delivered by an Avatar© Master. The exercises, drills and procedures followed are done to understand and increase the techniques for living deliberately. This essentially means to live as a "creative source" with self-determination and personal responsibility for the manifestations in your life.

Once you begin to have direct control over the events and circumstances in your life, you should then know that the tools from the Avatar© course are working.

A technique used is to "discreate." This essentially means to halt the production of a mental event; to turn it off; to cease creating it, to let go of it. It is a halt to an existing flow of energy rather than a new or opposing flow of energy. (From Avatar© Section III) "It's yours and you're creating it, and then you decide you're not going to create it anymore, and it is gone."

Students of the Avatar© program ideally should be able to move through the stages from I through V seamlessly.

Palmer's Goal

“What is the real work to be done on this planet? It’s to make ourselves more aware, to remind ourselves that our essential nature is nonviolent, and to increase the amount of compassion and cooperation on the planet."

– Harry Palmer

"My plan is simple: help the people next to you wake up beyond their Darwinic mind dream. And after they realize who they really are, where they are, and what is happening, show them how to pass the lessons on. Of course, if you want their best, full-time efforts, there are economic and social realities that need to be considered and addressed. People like to help each other, but they also like to live comfortably and feel safe with friends. So the lessons must be valuable enough to the people who receive them that they are happy to pay a fair price.

One of the things that I have learned from life is that service to others, if it is done well and within a viable economic context, is contagious. Help someone; show kindness, and the next thing you know they are figuring out how to pass it on to someone else. That’s my strategy for contributing to an enlightened planetary civilization. I intend to create, within a viable economic context, an epidemic of compassion."

Palmer to a group of graduating Avatar Masters on April 28, 1990:

"Anyone can decide that his or her beliefs are righteous. Any belief can be dressed up to look righteous. Righteous beliefs are inscribed upon parchment and in holy books. Eventually they become slogans on battle flags and are used to justify insensitive acts for which no sane individual would ever assume personal responsibility... people die violently by the thousands with righteous beliefs on all sides.

Because of this, it is better that you denounce Avatar a thousand times than use it even once as a righteous belief to justify your actions. Your job is to help people become source over their beliefs, not to persuade them to accept your beliefs. Champion no cause above personal responsibility.

When enough people are able to see that the only real difference between any of us are the ideas and beliefs that we create, there will be a spontaneous worldwide awakening to the fact that beyond our individual viewpoints, everyone on this planet shares a common destiny. We will learn to live together, or we will continue to kill together.

As Avatar Masters, remember who you are and what you are not. Remember you are not things. Remember you are not any of the ideas of sects, or nationalism, or race that humans have ignorantly fought over. You are not bodies, you are not minds, and you are not identities; you are the source of these things, and you can create better.

Together we can work to feed the hungry, protect the environment, and speak for peace—these are the efforts that buy us the time needed to expand the Avatar Network into an Enlightened Planetary Civilization. Ultimately, the solution to all human problems lies in recovering conscious control of our hearts and minds."

Beautifully spoken by the Master of Avatars.


NOTE: For more information on Star Edge’s Avatar© program, go to: http://www.avatarepc.com Seven mini-courses and "Living Deliberately," can be downloaded FREE at the official Website. Next month, we'll take a look at Bahai teachings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MaDuke has left a new comment on your post "Book Review: "Communion With God" by Neale Donald ...":

Perfectly timed. I downloaded and signed up for the journal/courses. Thank you.
p.s. I have Seat of the Soul and will be holding on to my seat for that post.

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.