Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Call from Within: Don't Keep Running from Your Own Soul!

"The more time I spend with people, the more I love my dog!"

That's what the sticker on the back of his truck said.
I can just imagine!

If I'd known the guy, that would have been time for an INTERVENTION! BIG TIME!

Here is a person who is totally not into people, because yes, people have their personalities and things, and they irritate us!

Why can't we ALL JUST GET ALONG?

We're supposed to love everyone in spite of all the stuff they throw at us day after day after day.

Yes. We're supposed to act like Jesus!

We're supposed to give a person our left cheek to smack us, when he's already smacked us on the right!

Tell the average person THAT...and you'd get blows...not only on the right and left cheeks but all over as well. Maybe... not "real" blows of the physical kind... but those that would inflict wounds to...your Soul!

And that's where it all begins. This discussion.

The Soul!

For a few of you...

...One day in the not-too-distant future...if you haven't yet been asked to do so,
you will be!

You will be asked to answer the call of your Soul.

I know some people who say they hear the call... but they ignore it!
I tell you this: Do so...at your own peril!

You WILL be driving around with more than ONE bumper sticker telling anyone who cared to read: "I HATE PEOPLE! PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK!"

That, or the equivalent of that, is what eventually happens to people who HEAR the call of their Soul but keep ignoring it!

I recently heard an interview on National Public Radio (NPR) with a person who is well-known for her work with the stars. Now, she's written a book on her "Clinical Depression." In the NPR interview, the person says that when she heard she had "clinical depression," ...she was relieved! The malaise that had kept her bed-ridden and "house hiding," finally had a name!

Maybe, she does have "clinical depression." I don't know the physiological problems that cause imbalances in a system. But when a previously
normal-functioning individual suddenly hits a "crisis" and gets an unknown "malaise," the first place I'd start to look is in the lack of connection to the Soul!

And what is this...but... a CRISIS OF THE SOUL?

Some people climb every mountain in life that they encounter...going ever higher, reaching places they never dreamed of reaching by simply USING the Power within! Many people do this with a total UNAWARENESS OF THE SPIRIT that lives within them. "The father within me, he doeth the work."

Those people who refuse to acknowledge the Power that fuels their achievements comes from WITHIN them, and not simply through their own EGO-based WILL or determination, WILL eventually IMPLODE!
We can't keep going to the trough of our Soul and depleting it, without trying to fill it back up in some way. We may escape temporarily...for some...it may be a LONG temporarily...by busyness of "good works" and attending church services and things on the superficial level. But eventually, WITHOUT LOOKING INSIDE, life will come "crumbling down" even in the midst OF ALL THE GOOD (S) that have been "acquired!"

So when, and if, you feel your SOUL calling you...RESPOND! It means you may be getting closer to the "danger" point!

It's calling you...for YOUR OWN GOOD!

Your Soul can tell your innermost thoughts, and it can tell when you're headed for trouble! Big Trouble!

So, your Soul is ONLY trying to reach you ...for your own good!

Truly, it really wouldn't bother you, if you were happy and having a good time at your life...without feeling ANY ANGST within. If you're NOT "feeling it," then it'll leave you completely alone to ...enjoy your life, possibly until the next time around.

But if in THIS LIFETIME, you're hearing "The Call," I'd advise you to: ANSWER IT!

"It is within my power either to serve God, or not serve him. Serving Him I add to my own good and the good of the whole world. Not serving Him, I forfeit my own good and deprive the world of that good, whitch was in my power to create."
Leo Tolstoy

The call normally comes before you go down a blind alley or down a road from where there is no return.

You may not even know you're headed for trouble.

But you can "sense" all is not well in your life and in your world.

The call even may come at a time that seems VERY inconvenient to you.

You might be at a crossroads in your life: your career, your marriage,
your interests are waning.


You want me to go down a BLIND ALLEY WITH YOU!? Why NOW?

Yes. When everything else seems dead ended or for the life of the "dead," that's exactly when your Soul is calling to you and saying, "follow me!"

The road ahead will seem unclear. It will certainly be filled with UNCERTAINTY!

You may be tempted to hold on to the circumstances whose worth you're now questioning in your life, as to real VALUE to your life, i.e. your wealth, your health, your life, your wife, everything that hitherfore had brought MEANING to your life. Now, they all feel meaningless.

Follow me.


Follow me.

By the third time, you'll make a decision: to ignore the urging completely or follow its call.

If you do the latter, I promise you, life as you know it, will never, ever, ever be the same.

Say goodbye to waking up every day knowing with predictability about what life will bring that day. Say goodbye to emptiness...the sense of sameness...the sense of meaninglessness to life.

Nothing is predictable following the Soul. But the journey will be filled with hope, meaning and promise.

You will have to be SURE you're ready for the journey. That it's this way, or NO WAY!

Then, you'll have to fortify yourself with prayer, lots of it; meditation, lots of it, and TRUST, lots of it.

For the only thing you will be SURE OF throughout ALL THE FIERY HELLS you may have to travel, sometimes, as you learn to let go of your EGO and all its concommitant obligations...is that it will never, ever, ever leave you or forsake you!

How SURE are you, ANYWAY, about the rest of what you would want to cling to in your life?

What about your friends?

Some of those would be the first to go in a crisis, even without the call from your Soul. Others will "stick closer to you than a brother!"

How about your family?

If you're from one as large enough as mine, there will be one or two who step forward; a few who stick around; a few who stand back and a few who disappear...completely...from your sphere.

How about your...um...the other things...um...like

...your wealth?

Will it sustain you through a health crisis? Will it sustain you when you're down and lonely?

How about your job, i.e. your career?

Will it choose YOU over someone else when it comes to cutting time?

Perhaps. Perhaps Not.

Look again.

Think again.

Who...of WHAT ...can you be sure when any crisis hits?

The comforting PRESENCE of Your Soul. You have got to BELIEVE that the connection to THIS is the ONLY thing that can save you when you're headed for a crisis or are in the midst of a crisis!

So, if it asks you to FOLLOW ME... I URGE you to GO! You don't have to give up your wife or your life; you just make them secondary to the call of your Soul.

The only place it will lead you to ...after you get through some of the bramble and the wilderness of confusion...is into a place of JOY unsurpassed and unknown.

It's not a joy you can describe because it is in your Spirit.

It is not a happiness you can share because it is in your Soul.

It is not a grace you can express because it is in your Spirit and your Soul.

It is not a peace you can give because it is in your Spirit and your Soul.

All you'll KNOW is that one day, MAYBE YEARS LATER, you'll find yourself waking up to each day with a JOY unsurpassed...not knowing what it will bring...but knowing with CERTAINTY THAT no matter what...it will turn out right and that you will be okay...you are ALL RIGHT!

You see, once you connect and align with that Soul within YOU...within your Spirit...
everything else pales in comparison.

You will find little joy in the life of personalities who live only for the external aspects of life. You will find little comfort in the "things" you previously guarded jealously with heart and soul.

What you will get instead is a connection to a LIFELINE that surpasses all understanding. You will tap into a power line fused with love, joy, compassion, caring and sharing...for YOU ... making you in turn want to care about and share with your neighbor ...your community...your world.

You will be RE-connected to your Soul.

Life will be all right.

Can you say that with assurance about anything else in life: about a lover, a best friend, a job, your wealth?

Choose wisely when you hear the call. Welcome it!

The way to respond to let it KNOW that you've heard...is in the Silence.

If you don't know how to meditate, then begin to find periods where you're alone...in Silence. You'll begin to feel its Presence...then you'll know ...in the quietness of your Soul that "daddy" is there!

It is doing so for your own GOOD! It is welcoming you HOME!

Take nothing with you for the journey. It will guide you and lead you ...step by step.

You'll know what to do when you need to do it.

Sufficient unto the day!


NOTE: Next week, Easter Sunday, we'll look at some of the messages of Jesus, and what he REALLY meant. Then, we'll conclude these special messages on the "Soul" with a profile in May on "The Language of the Soul: LOVE!"

1 comment:

Che' Vyfhuis said...

Remember...it is A PROCESS...all on the BECOMING...just stay open and follow...follow...follow! ;-)


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.