Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"With All its Sham...Drudgery and Broken Dreams..."


Think of waking up tomorrow or any day soon...to an absolutely PERFECT WORLD!

You have absolutely no worries.

A world where everyone loves each other...

A world where everyone does not compete with others...

A world where everyone is polite and not rude to each other...

A world where everyone shares equally with everyone else...

Life is smooth. Life is easy. Life has no friction, no obstacles, nothing more to want and nothing more to give.


Think again.

I recently saw two movies on HBO and TNT that reinforced the message that Life IS PERFECT just the way it is....Sham...Drudgery...Broken Dreams...and ALL!

I really only looked at the second half of "The Invasion." I'd seen the movie when it was released at the theatres, so I remembered some of the first half and could get into the scene. Here, Nicole Kidman was trying to save her son from becoming infected like most others in their "world" with a disease that creates "sameness in mind."

She fought "tooth and nail," even as she was fading into that other world, to save her son from this fate. He, only about seven years old, knew, too, that he had to fight, so he joined in the fight for the survival of his unique self. They won!

Mother and son were saved and lived on with their unique selves. Applause. Applause.

The second movie was "The Last Man On Earth," a 2007 film adaptation of Richard Matheson's 1954 novel "I Am Legend," starring Will Smith.

Here, Will's character was seemingly the only survivor when a virus hit New York City, wiping out its inhabitants.

Will survived with his dog and his laboratory.

In many of the early scenes, all you saw this character do is shout and plead for "anybody, anybody who is out there, let me know that you're ALIVE!"

The character HUNGERED for human interaction.

He hungered for a living SOUL who could relate to him as a human being.
The movie moved on with other events occurring and yes, another human, two, actually, showing up.

What did Will's character do?

He started acting inhumane. But that's another part of the story.

The truth is that he needed these others to continue to live and to continue to have the work he was doing live on, too. Without them, it was all pointless; it would all die with him, as does the music that we don't play dies within us.

The truth is that we may crave our privacy, when we see people all around us all day long in various areas of our lives.

If we ride the subway, we may long to get away from crowded places and not have to be "touched" by strangers as we journey in and out of our homes.

We may want all the beggars to go away.

We may want everyone to be pleasant as we journey to and fro.

We may want people to speak the same language as we do.

We may want people to dress the same way we do. We don't want filth; we don't want dirt.

We may be tired of the people at work.

We may be tired of the people at home.

We may be tired of people in our lives, who are
so different...so the same...so...

We may be tired of all that talking, talking, talking.

We crave silence.

We may want to get away from it ALL!

We may crave so much to be isolated and alone.

Yes. Peace. Silence. Aloneness.

For a while.

Think of that condition...that isolation...being the story of your life!

Think of having NO choice in the matter.

All the people...ALL the people...whom you HATE have gone away.

But so have ALL THE people...ALL the people...whom you love.

Love 'em or Hate 'em, they are ALL GONE!

You're finally all alone.

Aaaaaah! Free at last! Free AT LAST! FREE AT LAST!

Yes, you're FREE AT LAST!


Did I hear you SCREAM?


Did I hear you remind yourself: "It's only a dream...it's only a dream...it's only a dream!?"


Did I hear you say..."I PRAY it was ONLY a NIGHTMARE!?"

"Think on these things," then appreciate and LOVE every one of "THOSE PEOPLE."

Love 'em or Hate 'em: they are OUR world.

They make up the tapestry of our ...yes...beautiful world.

Our beautiful world!

Today, where ever you find yourself...whatever the circumstances of your life...be at peace with yourself...and your world.

As a followon to last week, where I said the spiritual journey can and IS "HELL," know that unequivocally as you walk through the "valley of the shadow of death" and your world may come crumbling down around you, the "journey" gets more peaceful.

It leads you deeper within.

You see with "new" eyes, walk in new ways, and ...
you find "peace" in the connection...with the connection...

...with your Soul.

That is utopia: the perfect world.

...It's still a beautiful world!


NOTE: If you're not familiar with "Desiderata," a classic poem by Max Ehrmann, I suggest that you "Google" it and get the text in its entirety. This is one I know by heart and recommend that you take it to "heart," too.

1 comment:

Che' Vyfhuis said...

YEP...you got it! With all its ...it still is beautiful!

Life IS God. We just have to be aware of the separation and to make it work for us, not against us.


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.