Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Are You Aging, Growing Old or Joining the "Ageless" Generation?

In my daily walk through life, I encounter people of all ages. Lately, I've been meeting a lot of people face to face in their early to mid-20s, but then, on the other end, I'm also interacting with those in their mid-50s and 60s, but mostly on the phone.

The common theme I'm finding among these two seemingly disparate groups is a sense of Agelessness.

Maybe, it's the types of people I'm now interacting with in my walk. I don't know. But the great thing is that it does not matter whether the person is in their mid-20s, mid-40s, mid-50s or mid-60s, they all seem the same to me.

Some young women and men are so mature and disciplined in their behavior, I think them much older until they disclose their age. Then, those on the older end, without seeing them, I also believe much younger because of their disposition and overall "youthfulness."

I also hear those older ones, too, stating that they are 55, 60 and on, but they actually feel as if they were in their 30s.

Why is there this sense of Agelessness among all these people?

The only answer is the ageless "Spirit," living in the GIANT NOW!

This, you see, does not recognize chronological time. So, yes, chronologically, you may be having a birthday each year and growing "older" but if you're living through your Spirit, as some of these people obviously are, then your consciousness becomes one that defies time, space and "matter," such as your physical body.

From to time to time, too, I encounter those who are just pure OLD people, and they always probably were, even when they were "young."
We're not talking about those delightful "old souls."

We're talking about people who when they reach a certain age believe that they have to ACT that way in all ways. And here, again, we're not talking about AGE appropriate behavior; we're talking about people who go about ACTING old, dressing old, and talking about their illnesses and sickness..."you know, because I'm 50 years old!"

There are those who start planning their retirement in their 40s and start counting down the pennies and life until that magical time when they hit 55, for early retirement, or 65 for true retirement.

In essence, they ALREADY have retired from life, i.e. the moment they start counting.

Why do people start projecting their lives SO FAR into the future that they cannot live for the DAY?

I have a curiousity about these folks.

I wonder, too, about the state of their consciousiness and minds when all they do is plan and plan for the day when...they get OLD!

Forgive me, if you're one of those: But "God HELP them!"

I cannot imagine being anything but what I am TODAY. I guess I've always been like that, too.

As I look back, I think I've always lived in the "GIANT NOW!" When I was 10, I was a 10 year old and could not imagine or think about being 20.

It was the same when I hit 30 ...and ....oh...no...I'm not going to go there.;-)So today, I am exactly who I think I am. I don't feel old. I don't act old. I'm not old. As such, I belief I had defied the relentless process of AGING by embracing the GIANT NOW!

As a matter of fact, because I've spent so much time on this personal development stuff and truly have gotten to know this Soul of mine on an intimate basis, if it weren't for the calendar that is clocking me to "old age" and those organizations that cater to "seniors," I would not believe I am as "old" as I've become in terms of "the number."

Age, truly, is just a number.

The AARP and those organizations, with as much good as they serve, should not signal to you with the card in the mail that you've gotten OLD! The American Association of Retired Persons is just looking out for your interests, making sure that with your "Growing Old," you get ALL that's coming to you. "Never no mind" about them now including you on their list; take it or...

I tell you: no one is going to tell me I'm older than I FEEL.

I truly AM only as OLD as my Spirit allows me to be.

I don't know about you, but I am ageless and I intend to "AGE" this way.
The clock...my body...my mind.

Oh no.

Just shut the door to those things that say you "can't," because you've reached the "age" of "no return."

What is YOUR SPIRIT telling you today?

How OLD do you feel in your heart?

Well, THEN?

Who CARES...what THEY SAY?

Thanks AARP, but I don't need you to count my years to retirement and to qualifying for your insurance or for needing a motorized scooter.

The way my SPIRIT sees it my friend, AARP: I've only JUST begun this life of mine.

As I look forward to celebrating this Thanksgiving, too, I give "thanks" for my ageless body, my ageless Soul, my ageless heart, my ageless style. I truly AM living in the "Giant NOW!"

Most importantly, I give "THANKS" to God for his "ageless" PRESENCE!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
"If we perceived Life with reverence, we would stand in awe at the experience of physical Life and walk the Earth in a very deep sense of gratitude."
Gary Zukav, Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul

What are you giving thanks for on Thursday? Your Aging Body, Mind and Soul...or your Agelessness?

You get to choose.

Start looking at your life...with the freshness of ageless, timeless youth!

Remember this, too, about Thanksgiving:
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

William Arthur Ward


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From a reader's e-mail:

Your blog called to mind an interview with two Indian (I think) writers I read somewhere, probably in some edition of The New Yorker. They were both in probably their eighth decade of life, and one said that he felt himself always change into different people with time, while the second said he felt he was always the same person, and was born who he was and never changed, substantially, with time, except for physical changes and changes appropriate to varying situations and roles. I found the articulation of these disparate points of view fascinating, and your blog adds to their voices.

Thank you!

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.