Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Integrity: Who Really Has IT?

On a normal day, were I to ask 10 people if they had integrity, without a doubt, each would answer in the affirmative.

I would not have questioned their responses.

Until now.

You see, I've discovered that many people
really, truly don't have integrity!

Of course I'm talking about a matter of "degree" of integrity here.

But most would swear that they have ABSOLUTE integrity.

According to Webster's Dictionary, the word, Integrity, means:

1. A firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; incorruptibility.
2. An unimpaired condition : soundness.
3. The quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness.

In essence, integrity means Honesty!

So, most of us have it, right?

Wrong. Very wrong.

As a matter of fact, I don't think we've even begun to touch upon the rudimentary meaning of the word.

I thought of this when I saw someone being complimented as a person with "integrity."

I had to laugh out loud at that one: I'd always seen the person as not at all concerned with weighing right/wrong or true/false but who is more concerned with doing what is "expedient."

I also had to think deeply before I began writing this blog: Is it that my perception is suddenly colored by the people I've met within the year, or, was I not seeing with the right eyes?

I know now that I was "blinded" by the world.

Then, I also remembered Jesus' admonition in Matthew 6: 17: "Why callest thou me good; there is none good but one, that is GOD!"

He also asked those who accused the adulterous woman: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." [John 8: 7]

No one did.

You see most people operate under the illusion that they are honest, true, faithful, and would always do the right thing; they believe they are incorruptible and they would never, and could NEVER, be divided!


But doing the right thing is a matter of interpretation, and there is NONE of us, who will always do the right thing!

Let me repeat this: There is none of us...NOT ONE...of us who will always do the right thing!

If you disagree, please, please cast the first stone! I dare you!

It is so easy to say, or think, or delude ourselves that we will do the right thing, and only the right thing. Always.

If you believe you have "integrity," it's just an illusion!

Operating in today's world, I wouldn't know who to point to as a "role model"* for integrity.

Yes, there are so many who wear the trimmings of uprightness, so very, very proudly that they even have a demeanor of looking down on others in their righteousness.

Sadly, I might have been just as self righteous, too, at one time.

Now, I examine my behavior, each and every time I take an action, and then, I hope for the best outcome for all concerned, including me.

You see, I simply don't know what's right...what's wrong...what's neither right nor wrong anymore.

I know people who think it's a great honor to keep a perfect credit score, believing this shows integrity, yet at the blink of an eye would break laws because it suits their purpose!

It all boils down to perception of what is honest and true.

At one time, truth and honesty may mean one thing; at another time, it may not.

To be honest, I simply don't know what honesty is anymore.

I'm thinking of Congressman Charles Rangel of New York City, who served with a long history of doing good works for the city, and now in the twilight of his career, he's being accused of so many ethics violation.

I think of House Representative Maxine Waters of California, too. She is under fire for ethics violation.

Without a doubt, I would not put it past the Republicans to be up to their low-down tricks. But you see, we know the Republicans are low-down; they don't hide it. They will do whatever it takes to get the enemy, defeat the opponent, without ever trying to say they are doing otherwise.

In fact, I love that level of TRUTH. With the Republicans, their dirtiness shows!

The thing is, though, that both Rangel and Waters know this too. Even though I haven't followed either of their cases closely enough, out of just sadness, I will say they are guilty...guilty as accused...simply because I know that honesty is up to interpretation.

Now, the Republicans may have seemingly found a way to discredit both Rangel and Waters, and whatever way you look at it, they will win!

Rangel and Waters may not have done outright whatever they are accused of doing, but to even walk close to the accusation means, they could smell that it was wrong and could and would not walk away.

Often, we use the excuse that if I'm not "doing it directly," then I'm not guilty.

There's guilt by association ...with a husband or wife or colleague or friend. Then, there are the employers and employees.

We know it's wrong when we feel it in our hearts.

We know it's wrong when we can smell it or think it.

In 1976, then President Jimmy Carter was ridiculed for stating that people were committing adultery by "lusting in their hearts." I fully understand what he meant...and you do, too!

Beyond this, sometimes, people who should seemingly have integrity just out and out LIE!

Late last year, I met a well-known preacher and spent about two hours in his company. My meeting with him that day reversed some of the negative opinions I'd had about him for years.

I'd dismissed him many years ago, as being just "another one of them." I'd ordered a set of CDs and realized that they were truly meaningless in content and was just a way for him to raise additional funds, beyond his ministry, for his cache'. After our meeting, I reserved judgment about him, hoping that he'd not outright lied to me about the situation we had met to discuss.

Months later, I confirmed that he did: simply dishonest, fully lacking integrity.

True. But he didn't disappoint me at all. As a matter of fact, I felt relieved that I was not wrong about him all the years in all the ways I'd assessed him as being "without merit."

I thank God for that insight that had guided me, and for my radar that tells me immediately when people STINK!

Why I know that we ALL are operating without absolute integrity is that I know that we always ...always...always...hear the still, small voice.

We always hear.

We always know the truth...intuitively...we always do!

What do we do?

We brush it away.

We plow forward.

We do it in relationships because we don't want to be alone; we lie to our lovers.
We lie to our employers: we want the job or we want to keep the job.
We lie to our kids: we want them to believe that we have all the answers or we don't want to hurt their feelings.
Or, simply because it's easier.
We lie to our friends.. for all the same reason.

We don't tell the truth.
Sometimes in small ways.
Sometimes in big ways.
Sometimes in ALL ways.

Sometimes we feel like crying; we laugh instead.
Out of compassion and caring...
sometimes we're sleepy; we stay up, because we're keeping
company with a friend who needs us to listen.

However way we don't tell the truth...however way we don't live up to our own moral compass...however way we compromise our conscience...our TRUTH, we are not truly living in INTEGRITY!

Many big companies lie about results and expectations; small companies do even more... some because they are desperate to attract customers and increase earnings...some because they are trying to "hustle" and hire "two-bit" hustlers to help them do so. Who knows? Lying on whatever level...for whatever reason... is LYING!

The biggest way...the most disturbing way...for us not to have integrity....
is to betray our own Souls.

Tell me, you always...always...listen to the still, small voice.

If you are able, then truly, cast ...

... the very first stone!


Jimmy Carter The Playboy Interview - Excerpt

November 1976
"Because I'm just human and I'm tempted and Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. The Bible says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Christ said, I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery. I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times.... This is something that God recognizes, that I will do and have done, and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. Christ says, don't consider yourself better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch of women while the other guy is loyal to his wife. The guy who's loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness."

NOTE: * As a role model, former President Jimmy Carter comes to mind. After all, he was HONEST about having "lust" in his heart


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Hi Che:...wowowowo what a surprise and a lot for reflection and digestion...How creative you are with mind precise more than computer???Tomorrow I am starting this week of transformation ....NAMASTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

這麼用心的經營你的文章, 當然值得我們留連拜訪的!...............................................................

Che' Vyfhuis said...

You know the Shakespeare quote:

"To thine own self be true and it must follow as the night, the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man!"

Thanks for the post...

Proud that you're able to own up to when you're being "less than authentic" self!



幸平平平平杰 said...

may the blessing be always with you!!............................................................

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.