Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

All About Unveiling "TRUTH" and Telling "the truth!"

I enjoy seeing "Waves of Gratitude" on Facebook. It always has some thought provoking subject under way, getting people to think.

Most recently, there was a question:"Within everyone lives???"

The answers were varied:"Peace"...."incredible power to overcome any obstacle"..."a little kid who can still imagine a cardboard box can be a fort, a sled, a spaceship"..."a divine being"..."love"..."Abundance of love, power, peace"..."compassion, concern for humanity, love, sensitivity to others , forgiveness, honesty,humor, even sadness and anger,unselfishness and also selfishness" ..."a dream to be your true self"..."HOPE♥"..."The answer to everything"..."The power to do anything"..."the need for love, security, and recognition of that individual's gifts and talents"..."everything you are searching for"..."The Christ! God's One and Only Son. Amen"..."hole in their heart that only God can fill"..."A DREAM!!!"..."God ♥"...

I simply put:"The TRUTH!"

Little did I know that within an hour of posting that answer, I would see "the truth," being played out live on television.

Oprah was interviewing Jenny McCarthy about her breakup with Jim Carrey. The floodgates opened:

"What I found out about myself was that I was truly manipulative."

She smiled...shook her head...as she waited for the impact...and repeated, "Yes, truly manipulative!"

Gosh, I thought, she really does know herself!


Do we really want to know, more especially, need to know, "the truth" about Jenny McCarthy's personality?

Until then, we could have speculated about her seeming to be manipulative. But to hear her say it about herself was quite frankly to me...a turnoff!

I'm delighted that many people are getting to what's inside of them and embracing their Spirit and "the truth" that lies within them.

But this poses a danger:

As you follow TRUTH, the part of you that directs your life and is uncompromised by human living, please don't feel it necessary to disclose to the world "your truths."

TRUTH is all mixed up with our Soul. This has both the spiritual element and the human element. [For this latter search, I recommend the book, "Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life," by Helen Palmer.]

As we grow closer to TRUTH, we connect more closely with our Soul, dropping many aspects of the negative human self, and we begin to hunger more and more for that connection to God, the TRUTH, within us.

The Soul is the conduit for doing that...and yes...as we get closer and closer...we will ...we MUST...drop many aspects of our persona to get into the light.

This means that "Soul Searching," reveals the good, the bad...and the UGLY.

But please: learn to keep it to Yourself!

We're all here on earth for a Divine purpose. The way I see it, we're here to manifest more and more of God (Love) in the world. I believe this uncovering comes about over several different lifetimes. [These rebirths would explain deja vu experiences, as well as a sense of connectedness with folks we've never met before in the current lifetime.]

So, who we are today in this life...will be a completely altered "Soul" in another lifetime. Depending on how much we allow ourselves to unravel the puzzle of "the truth" within ourselves in this life, we move steadily towards manifesting positive attributes in our personalities in the next.

"The truth" about our personalities lies within us, as does TRUTH...whether you see it as God, Love, Peace, or all the various things people listed in response to the "Waves of Gratitude" question.

The challenge then for most of us is to keep on keeping on in the world, even as the light within us grows brighter, through connection to our Soul. Our personalities permanently become altered in the ways we respond to life and experiences in life. We learn to give up patterns and behaviors, acquired in our childhood and from our environment, sometimes, even exposure to outright evil! A major key to learning how to handle what we uncover about ourselves is also learning how to forgive ourselves!

As I look back on this spiritual path, it has been a long journey. Many times I've walked in darkness, with the only light coming from within. It sometimes has been an arduous journey; it sometimes has been a torturous journey, and many times a circuituous journey. Many times I've felt that I've wanted to turn back...but there is no way to turn back "consciousness!"

"The person who suffers to the end will be saved, says the scripture. Often a person becomes desperate, stops, and even turns back when only a little more effort is needed to reach his goal." Leo Tolstoy

Once you become aware of the light within you, there is no way you can walk a dark path, without feeling the pull of light moving within you!

To get it fully illuminated then becomes the goal.

This becomes the "forever" search.

I know that I've watched myself becoming this altered Soul!

My view of the world has completely altered within the last 10 years!

I sometimes don't recognize myself as myself.

But I've allowed it to continue...as a matter of fact, I've craved for more, even as the challenges of my earthly existence have consumed me.

I don't know what drug addiction feels like. I've never taken any recreational drugs...of even the mildest kind.

But I do know that the craving within me for more...more...and more of the light has stilled my desire for any human attachment that does not honor my Soul!

"The person who drinks from a muddy, dirty pool in the street when there is a wonderful spring of fresh water available in his own home is stupid." Angelus Silesius

As I celebrate another year of my earthly walk in a few days with a "birthday," I can choose to state out loud to the world all the many little and not-so-little "truths" I've discovered about myself.

Question is: what's the point?

I know the TRUTH...and it has set me FREE!

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

Isn't that the reason for the journey?

Happy Birthday, Oh, My Soul!



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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.