Photo: Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis (AMORC).
"Come, step back from your close view of the obstacles that seem to surround you. Close your eyes to them for a while and create a new picture. Leave the past and the present out of your consideration and make a new life, a new day, beginning with tomorrow. Build it up part by part in your mind and in your conversations and contacts with those around you until you have a perfect picture of the future that is just beyond today’s horizon. Then step forward bravely into this picture; and with determination start your journey along the line that leads to your new life. You will find yourself master of the picture and of those realities, and you will find in it the greatest happiness and rewards, and every effort, every thought devoted to it."
--An AMORC LeaderThe mystical insights offered by the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis, with US headquarters in San Jose, Calif., are very empowering. Although not unique in its teachings on mysticism, AMORC still manages to put our everyday struggles and challenges into such perspective that their power is diminished. Having done self study on mysticism via AMORC for years, as we focus on the "Power of Power" this month, I have chosen to highlight this small segment of the teachings. This is in gratitude for the perspective the AMORC teachings offered me as I moved along *my journey of self-discovery, and as I celebrate this milestone October 5 birthday. "Thank you, AMORC."
From Thoreau:
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

From Tut's Universe:
"The absolute, most sure-fire way of physically moving in the direction of your dream, on a day-to-day basis, without messing with the 'cursed hows,' is living them, now, to any degree that you can. |
"We just do," may be the simplistic answer.
But knowing that everything has a source, those of us who have studied the mystical and spiritual know there is always a greater power at work.
"The Power of Power" is based on knowing that the consciousness we are is the creator of all things and conditions in our lives and affairs, good or bad. Through most of the spiritual information uncovered and taught by most prominent practitioners in the field, we know that our "thoughts are things" and through the power of visualization (creativity), we are able to believe and see everything we'd like to achieve in life before it becomes manifest.
By controlling the quality of our thoughts and visions, we are able to create the life we desire.
Now, seriously, is it that simple?
Yes. It ought to be.

Everything we currently are experiencing in our lives came from the power of creativity we put to work. "We achieve what we believe."
Simple as this may be, it takes a lifetime for most of us to get our thinking right enough to create the life we desire. So many, many factors play into our thoughts: our conditioning from childhood, our associations and experiences, and most of all the teachings to which we are exposed from birth.
Living an earthly life, it is almost impossible to never let go of the connection to ourselves (our Soul). At an early age, until about age seven, experts say, we have this special connection. But as we go (and grow) through our lives, we begin to lose the connection, especially as our earthly demands set us adrift in our day-to-day.
It is beyond difficult to believe that we are creating our lives as we go along, when we are brought up with religious teachings that speak of a God above and perhaps one who punishes us.
No one sees that man as a friend. So we try to stay away as far as possible, only making a connection when we want to beg for something, or plead for forgiveness and mercy.
How can this imposing figure we've been taught about all of our lives ever become our friend?

Ahh...but this is where, if we are discerning enough, we would see the truth: when we're not busy looking and scheming and plotting about how to "fix" the things we've messed up in our lives, an unseen hand seems to shoot out from "no where" to rescue us from ourselves..
The truth: there is no unseen is our own spirit...our own Soul...that finally gets a chance from us going to and fro in the world to take corrective steps by forcefully steering our course.
Now, that is the POWER OF POWER!
It is the spirit at the steering wheel of our lives that has to sometimes step into our lives in a bold way to avert a collision course for us.
The Power of Power, though, does not only want to show up when we're in trouble. The nature of this power is that it wants us to step back and relax into its truth... and watch it at work.
So, why don't we allow it?
Our egos... very simply...the part of our humanness that keeps driving us forward also often blocks us from our good.
Unknown to this "entity," called ego--also called by whatever name you're known--we are not capable of doing anything without the Power of Power at work in our lives.
Yes, the ego drive, known by the name we're called, propels us. But it is the spirit within us, the Soul, always a silent witness, that goes forward to do the work.
Jesus knew this well when he said, "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."- John 14:10
Step back and see this.
Step back, as the AMORC leader urges us to do at the beginning of this post, and take another look.
When you do, you'd want to take a backseat permanently in your life...and enjoy the ride.
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Chandon and Moet & Chandon have long been my celebration champagne |
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Let the Power of Power, your dear Soul, have its way. (On Eagle's Wings on YouTube)
Remember this always: Your Soul is an individuated consciousness of the Cosmic Consciousness, the one Soul, God, of our universe.
As I move forward into another decade of my life, which has taken many, many circuitous turns as I've grown older and tried to unlearn most of my old conditioning, I would choose to have it no other way.
I leave you with one insight that has served me throughout the challenges that sought to upend my days on Earth:
"Circumstances do not make the man but reveal him to himself." James Allen.
(Now singalong with me as Stevie Wonder serenades: (Happy Birthday by Stevie Wonder) (Another from Stevie Wonder)
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Now...let the celebration begin with my favorite champagne. |
*NOTE-THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING ME ALONG THE THE JOURNEY-I would like to personally thank the following individuals: Rev. Greg Barrette, teaching me how to meditate while at Unity Palo Alto; Rev. Stan Hampson, a master Unity teacher, Rev. Karyn Bradley, my most recent and awesome Unity teacher @ Unity Palo Alto, Venerable Canon Veronica Ritson of Trinity Cathedral of Phoenix, AZ, for serving as my spiritual director during my time in AZ, for guidance and gentleness of spirit. For inspiration, I've also gained tremendous insights from OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Show, Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes. I've also enjoyed many years' of spiritual study via Unity School of Christianity, Lee Summit, MO, and also through my spiritual program with Arizona Ecumenical Institute of Spiritual Directors, Scottsdale, Arizona. Without a doubt, too, I never would have made it very far on the journey without the works of many great spiritual writers and teachers: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Shaki Gawain, Mark Nepo, Michael Singer, Gary Zukav and so many others, including the writings of Brother Lawrence, St. John of The Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of the Little Flower, James Allen, Joel Goldsmith, Neville Goddard, Unity's Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Mary Kupferle and other Unity teachers who have passed on. I obviously also have to thank family members and friends, especially my Sisters-Friends Bernice, Berteley and Thenia, who have remained committed and steadfast with me throughout the l-o-n-g "desert" years. To you all, I say, "Thank You! I could not have made it to this age and stage, without you." Most of all...MOST OF ALL...I give the Glory to God, his Mercy and Goodness... and KUDOS to this determined, unrelenting Soul of mine that wouldn't quit pushing itself through, when I wanted to give up: "You are THE ROCK and SALVATION of MY LIFE!"
"Happy Belated birthday!
This blog spot was outstanding. You are uplifting and inspiring, I thank you for sharing.
Peace and blessings,
Thank you so much, my "forever" friend, Maduke, and you, too, ER.
Although we're not in touch often or cannot meet physically, our "souls" are forever connected. I thank you both for your ever lasting LOVING spirit...that's the fragance that lingers with me....whenever I think of either of you.
Hugs...and THANK YOU for the birthday wishes!
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