Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Awaken To TRUTH!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm back, only for this month of November. As I'd promised, I will only do a blog post at those times when I feel it's imperative that I share. I am doing so now because of recent events. Please read on. And: HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2019!

We all are practiced in many ways of navigating our lives. We know that certain actions have certain consequences, so we stay clear of taking certain negative actions so as to evade the negative reactions.

Then...LIFE happens.

We may call it "LIFE," but truthfully, it's the SPIRIT and POWER within us that leads the way.

When "life" happens, it truly is not an arbitrary happening. The purpose of the life happening is intended to do one of three things:

  • Avert our direction from heading into a Netherland..
  •  Cause us to go deeper within.

  • Give up our tried and true "philosophies" and ways of life and go deeper within. 
Let's start with the last point.

We may argue that we are already living from "deep within."  We may be doing daily meditations and prayer work,  and we don't think there's room to go much farther. After all, we've been on this road for decades and all have led us to the "now here" practices.

Truth: We can never be truly deep enough. Unless we are operating totally on a higher level in all that we think, do and say, we are not in deep enough.

Often, we make surface decisions, based on EGO gratifications without truly thinking that we may not be coming from a HOLY place. 

Then, if we feel we're coming from a HOLY place, are we sure we still are not operating from the perspective of EGO, rather than for the good of all concerned?

As to the second point above...well, we always have to get deeper within. Get to the core of our rationale before we make important decisions.   

Once we recognize that we may be operating from EGO but this is supported by our within, then we're aligned with our Spirit. And if ego is happy too, then we've got a WIN/WIN.

The first point gets tricky.

We think, based on all we know, that going right is the way to go. We line up all our ducks in a row to keep moving to the right...to the right...to the right. We're doing everything that we can to support this movement. And up to a point, a critical point, all of "life" seems to be moving to the right with us.

Then suddenly, the air begins to change.

Things begin to happen and the atmosphere begins to change.

We can sniff the change, but we ignore it, still desperately longing to continue right.

Our Soul then screams!

We respond by taking seemingly impulsive, uncharacteristic actions. It's only then that we may realize that our going left, instead of right,  is our Soul's way of getting us back on track. We may have given up on the road of developing further our deep-seated personal goals and ambitions by compromising with the "also ran."

All three of the points above can occur simultaneously, then we have a HUGE wake-up call.

I say this because of two recent happenings. One was something that directly affected me, which was just to avert my direction, but the other was to a dear friend, who had a major wake-up call to totally change directions.

This healthful living man, who subscribed to a vegan diet, and even wrote a monthly newsletter on Healthy Living, was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. As a practicing physician and Internal Medicine specialist for more than 50 years, he never smoked. He knew this was a major contributor to bladder cancer. But he got the cancer anyway.

In his note, he said it was a "bolt out of the blue."

He's 82 years old and thought he'd ride out the rest of his life in tranquility, just writing his newsletter and offering sound health-living counsel wherever he could. Now...this.

My friend is deeply spiritual, with years of  spiritual training, so I know that if anyone can beat this Big C by going deeper within and continuing to eat the natural, healthy foods he's promoted for so long, he will.

Follow my friend's blog at: 

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The truth is: we're all fighting for our lives in  some way. The key is that as we fight for life, we also stay connected to others, to stay in the FLOW of LIFE and LIVING. That's exactly what my friend, Ed Dodge, is doing. Send him your love and support, as he battles the demon of the Big C.

As for me... I'm going to follow Spirit and go LEFT.


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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.