Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In Our Quest for Spirit: Are we taking Ourselves TOO Seriously?

On a Hallmark card, I saw a simple phrase about Life: “Life is having hope in God.” The simplicity of that statement was so beautiful, yet so powerful. I felt it was God’s way of nudging me to TRUTH.

Lately, I’ve been getting into several spiritual “exercises” with an e-mail friend about our purpose in life...about God...and about all the things we think we should be talking about when we aspire to walk the spiritual path. It’s good having those exercises...but to what END?

At the end of the day, even if we explore all the possibilities of God and who and what God is and what our intended purpose and roles are in life, the truth is simple: God is unchanging; God is Good... and... ALL Good; God is Life itself...and yes, “Life is having hope in God.”

That is the simple truth, as I see it.

Seeing that Hallmark card was a reminder for me to not go so “deeply” into stuff. All is in Divine Order... All is well... and God is the ONLY one truly in charge.

I don’t want my God and what I know to be true about God becoming a debate or an exercise of any kind!

The simple truth is that I know God is in action when I’ve prayed about a matter, could not solve it on my own, then the answer came...sometimes from unexpected channels. That’s when I know that God is GOD...GOD IS GOOD...and no matter how much I try to “figure” him out, I won’t.

God is and always has been mystery.
. . .

To make it our purpose to define God or to try to put God into “perspective” for others, I believe, is to take ourselves way too seriously.

About 20 years ago, I did not want to acknowledge the existence of God in my life. Yet, he was my all and in my all. (See the poem “I am There” by James Dillet Freeman at the end of the Blog). But a lot happens in 20 years.

Now, I have a consciousness about GOD in my life...all the time...operating in and throughout my life whenever I make a conscious decision to invite him in...and even when I don’t. He is there 24/7/365. Invitation, or no invitation: God is THERE.

This is TRUTH. This is unchanging.

So does it matter if, as some want to believe, “We’re God”? Yes, we do...sometimes... function in that way for other people. But do we really, really have to take it further than THAT? (If you decide to do so, then ... PLEASE... promise you won’t share the information with the people who work out at the gyms across America! It’s hard enough dealing with these body “gods,” primping and flexing in the mirrors, as they seek to further enhance their bodies).

Do we have to really KNOW whether *ALL of us...goodness, badness, EGO, personality, light, darkness...is still part of God? Does knowing the answer to THIS solve anything? Then, even if we believe we have solved it, WHY does it matter?

Life is Life, and Life is of God.

Let’s leave it there.

The only God I want to know is the one who steps in when I stop struggling. I want to know that someone other than myself ...is there...is seeing...is knowing...is doing. The only God I want to know is GOD in my life.

At the recent Good Friday Service, I heard a Catholic priest state simply what we need to do every day. He said daily, we just need to state, “Father, into your hands I commit my life. Father into your hands I commend my spirit!”

Folks, that’s as simple and as truthful as it gets.

Let’s keep our perspective... no matter how long we’ve been walking the spiritual path...no matter how far we think we’ve traveled.

God in his perfection made it all simple: Trust me. Follow me. Believe in me. I love you. I’ll never leave you. You are my child, in whom I am well pleased....

I know a lot of people, because I’ve lived in several states in the United States. But the people who I know and appreciate MOST are those people who are good in their ESSENCE.

Those are the people who are tremendously successful in their individual lives...in their individual careers. They go about minding their business at EVERY LEVEL. They get on top of their game.

They don’t talk about GOD. They live GOD.

These are the people who turn on the light for others, when the world would turn it off. These are the people who step in, when every other door slams shut in your face.

I have a male friend like that in Chicago. I have a female friend, like that, too. They have been waiting. They always are waiting...not in anticipation... but in preparation.

The world turns off its light for many people when they are in trouble...of any kind...and when they are sick. Inherent in my friends’ career choices is that intent towards goodness: one is a medical doctor; the other is an attorney. Saving lives that’s what these people do.

They don’t debate it. They just DO IT!
They just let God be GOD through them.

As I was paying the cashier at the Hallmark store, an almost blind teenager, came up to her and asked her to lead him to the birthday section. She said, “yes.” Then, he asked, “After that, can you take me to the anniversary section?” She said yes...again.

God being GOD ...for that teenager...through the cashier.

So, let’s keep it simple folks...whether we think we’re “gods,” or we’re just letting God BE GOD through us: God STILL IS GOD!

A friend who does a monthly Reflections column defines God as “The Source and *Creator for all that is.”

Don’t forget that. Don’t complicate THAT.


*Later this week, I’ll elaborate on the Mental (mind/soul), Physical (body) and Spiritual aspects of our being and where God, the Creator, is in all of this.

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.