Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The FAA has it RIGHT: "Souls on Board!"

In viewing a clip of ABC News’ report of the conversation between the Tower in St. Louis and the Midway Airlines pilot when Senator Barack Obama’s plane had a recent near emergency, I was amazed at the “language” used!

Yes, the FAA uses God’s Language!

That’s an outrage!

The FAA talks about “Souls on Board,” as in “How many souls do you have on board!?”

“51 souls.”

“Roger that!

When the tower controller heard Senator Obama was on board, he said nothing else but “Roger that!”

Diane Sawyer seemed amazed that the controller had said nothing more than ”Roger that.”

She said, “Imagine That!”

Imagine that indeed! A soul is a soul is a soul...to the controllers!

Imagine that!

The controllers think and talk in God's language about people in the air!

That is outrageous!

It’s outrageous because you and I don’t talk like that. We can’t talk like that!

If in the PR field, I were to tell reporters, “There are 10,000 ‘souls’ working for the company,” reporters would think I was crazy.

If in any way, you and I were to begin referring to the number of “souls” in any place, we would be considered crazy.

Can you imagine talking about the number of “souls” in your household, in your family!?

I’m laughing out loud at that one!

Just laughing out loud for the sheer JOY of it!

Because now...we have PERMISSION from the jurisdiction overseeing the “highest" and "freest" place over land, i.e. the air, to use the language. We have permission from the Federal Aviation Administration!

We can now use “souls” to describe people.

In the air, they know the TRUTH!

They know that if that plane had gone down, you wouldn’t be thinking about “bodies.”

You would be thinking of the “souls” that will now disappear from the earth.

Yes, you would know that we will be able to collect the bodies, but the “souls” are not ours to claim.

Only a "soul" in a body has any value as a “PERSON” you see.

Only a “soul” fully functioning in a body has TRUE worth.

The FAA knows this!

Why is it so hard for the average person, i.e. you and me, ...to get this...every day...every time!

Forget the stress level, I now want to become an air traffic controller where I can talk about the “souls” aboard all day long.

I want it so badly.

Imagine that!

Imagine all day long being able to talk and think about “people” as "souls," not as bodies.

I see why the air traffic controllers show up for work every day, despite the high level of stress I understand, and can imagine, is inherent in the job.

They show up every day...with passion...with full alertness...with JOY...Because they have “souls” to save!

It doesn't matter to the controllers whether it's President Bush's soul...or Senator Hillary Clinton's soul...or Senator Barack Obama's soul...or Senator John McCain's soul: a soul is a soul is a soul to the controllers, and the soul must be saved!

They can’t afford to make a mistake.

These air traffic controllers have to be precise...in every word they say...in every instruction they give.

They have got SOULS TO SAVE!


Imagine beginning to think about the world like that.

Imagine the way your world... and my world... would change.

Imagine if...

Imagine if...

Imagine if...

Imagine if...we can begin to see people as “souls” every day, instead of “bodies.”

If we can only get past the exterior of the person, where one is not black, white, yellow or pink.

If we can get past the exterior of the personality, where one is not nice, sweet, mean or generous.

If we can get past the exterior...if we can only get past the exterior...to the soul!

Imagine HOW our world would change!

Most of us get so caught up in the things that really shouldn’t matter about a person.

We get caught up in their hair, the color of their eyes, their legs, their arms, their biceps' size, their cup size, their exterior...

We can’t see the TRUTH!

We can’t see that the color, the arms, the eyes, the beauty or lack thereof, as we perceive it, has NOTHING.... NO THING...to do with the “person” inside.

But when we can get into the soul, now we can begin to talk.

Is the SOUL “connected” to Spirit?

Or is it “Lost"?

You see the way I see it is this:

When the soul is connected to “Spirit,” life becomes an effortless passage.

Even obstacles become opportunity, because the ‘soul’ is able to discern the benign intention of “Spirit” for its (soul’s) own good while in the body!

But when that “soul” has lost connection to “Spirit,” it flounders around, looking here and there, everywhere, for itself. It blocks “Spirit” from shining through.

All we see of that "soul" then is its reflection in a body, sometimes so lost to its Power that its TRUTH cannot be discerned by the “naked” eye.

The FAA has taught us an important spiritual lesson:

When you really, really want to know the TRUTH about a person...

Look to the Soul!

Even if we don’t start talking the FAA’s language of “Number of Souls on Board”...we can begin thinking it!

To me, that honestly is one of the critical first steps in understanding the messages of Spirit!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read a lot of blogs. But baby, you got soul!

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.