Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Las Vegas and Disneyworld: Are they really "worlds" apart?

I love going to Las Vegas, though I haven't been in recent years. When I've gone I've invested no more than $20, playing a few rounds of Keno, as I'm not a gambler. But I love going for the atmosphere and the shows.

I love going to Disneyworld, though I haven’t been in recent years. In Disneyworld, too, I mostly enjoy the atmosphere and a few of the less challenging rides, like "It's a Small World!"

Yet, I have this urge to visit both soon!


“I’m forgetting!”

There a story about a little girl named Satchi.


Soon after her brother was born, little Sachi began
to ask her parents to leave her alone with the new
baby. They worried that like most four-year-olds, she might
feel jealous and want to hit or shake him, so they said no.

But Sachi showed no signs of jealousy. She treated the baby with kindness

And her pleas to be left alone with him became more urgent. They decided
to allow it.

Elated, Sachi went into the baby’s room and shut the door, but it opened

A crack—enough for her curious parents to peek in and listen. They saw
Little Sachi walk quietly up to her baby brother, put her face close to his and say quietly, “Baby, tell me what God feels like. I’m starting to forget.”

Dan Millman reported in “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”

Similarly, I’m starting to forget the feeling of happy people everywhere, as I turn these days.

People are stressed out about the upcoming elections and who is going to win in November. Each person wants his or her own candidate to win to turn things around.

People are stressed out about high prices everywhere. Even in Walmart, known for lower prices, I saw someone stating that something was too “high” priced.


Happy people! Joyous people!

People who have high hopes.

People who BELIEVE!

The next step I take.

The next move that I make...

Will be the one.

At the "Black Jack" table in Vegas. At “Craps.”

There’s hope in the next card being the “right” one.

On the rides at Disneyworld.

There’s hope in the ride producing just the right excitement.

The fantasy. The sheer fantasy at Disneyworld takes you...

to a different level.

The same in Vegas.

In both places you suspend your worries. You transcend your life circumstances.

You are able to live in the current reality, i.e. the MOMENT. The Present Moment.

You are able to see JOY in the Moment.

Faith in the next step.

Hope for the future.

Wish I could get back that “feeling” I get in Disneyworld and Vegas.

Wish I can find all those...
"happy" people...everywhere.

Most of the mementos I get from Disney and other vacation places, I give away.

But over the years...many years...I’ve kept one:

“Remember the Magic!”

So, here it is ...the last day of August.

Summer’s almost gone.

Fall's a’coming. Winter, too.

Like Sachi, I’m beginning to forget!

So this morning, I got up and realized.

I’m not like Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz, who isn’t in
Kansas anymore!

I CAN “Remember the Magic!”

I CAN be in Disneyworld NOW! I CAN BE in Vegas NOW!

If both places are just about a “feeling,” i.e. a belief in the “goodness” and “rightness” of the world... then, I CAN BE in both places NOW!

All I have to do to get there ...is to get quiet within...

...before I begin my day.

I can find “Gold” there!

I can find “God.”

If only I can reach in....touch my core...and Let Go!

I got an e-mail from someone today, too, that talked about "Letting Go:"

“When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust him fully and Let Go. One of two things will happen: He’ll either catch you when you fall, or he’ll teach you how to fly!”

Well my pulse is racing...just like at a Craps table... or seeing the roulette wheel move...

My pulse’s a’racing...right here ...right now...

I’m learning how to fly.

I am in Vegas Now!

No...I am in Disneyworld NOW!

I’m...letting go...

...and learning how to fly!

Wanna join me?

Don’t wait to go to Vegas or to Disneyworld to get that feeling!

Learn how to fly NOW!

Then... you’ll say like me:

“I have the MAGIC of the Moment in Me!”




Unknown said...

This was wonderful. I feel like a kid when I go swimming. As a kid, my siblings and I would jump in the creek (we lived in the country) and never feared ANYTHING. Not only was it a life of excitement, it was a life void of FEAR. And I realize in this older secondlife stage of mine, that letting go of fear is being so carefree, so full of life. And you know how often we DON'T THINK during these times of excitement? So we are above the consciousness of thought. That's so cool.
That is so wonderful.
Your number one fan, MaDuke (smile)

Che' Vyfhuis said...


My hope is that people choose to "REMEMBER THE MAGIC" on this day they are off work and go out and have FUN!

It seems as if you truly have no problem "remembering the magic!" And whenever life would be otherwise, all you need do...ALL you need do...is go back to that wonderful time in your childhood! Thanks, too, for being my number 1 fan!


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.