Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Language of the Soul is LOVE!

He was refusing to move.

He sat in the dirt in the valley of a small hill on the side of the road, as they waited for him to get up and move. They needed to get moving, as registration for her competition closed in 30 minutes.

"Olive, can you try?" her dad asked her.

She picked her way carefully down the dirt to where he was convulged in his pain. He had just discovered that he was color-blind, so could not pursue his dream of becoming a pilot.

What would she say to get him to move...back into the van...so they could make it in time for her competition?

What could she say?

She said nothing.

Very slowly she sat beside him. She put her little arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

It took about a minute. He got out of himself...and his own pain, and said to her, "Let's Go."

When he reached his parents and his Uncle, who had not known what to say, or what to
do to get him out of himself, he apologized.

"I'm sorry for what I said and what I have done. I did not mean any of it. Let's go."

That scene came out of "Little Miss Sunshine."

Olive had said nothing to her brother. Yet, she had communicated to him in a silent language:LOVE.

Beyond doubt, I am convinced that the language of the Soul is LOVE!
The Soul has ways of communicating to itself from one human individuation to another through LOVE! But the flow of this language is blocked by ALL ASPECTS OF NEGATIVITY: Anger, Unforgiveness, Hatred, Malice, Jealousy, Spitefulness, Fear.

With Love as its Language, even if the human individuation, i.e. the person, is not consciously aware of why he or she is being led to do certain things, of one thing you can be certain: his or her SOUL KNOWS!

"Perfect love casteth out fear," are the words from
1 John 4:18.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eyes of a needle than a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven." are from Matthew 19:24.

These were all "words" to me until I experienced the reality of what they truly meant.

God cannot reach us if we're fearful of life and are separated by the "things" of the world. It is not bad to acquire goods for the enjoyment of them, the issue is the obsession that often follows the possession.

This obsession often separates us from man and God, as it leaves no room for anything else but dwelling on HOW to keep the possessions, then on how to acquire more of the same.

It is not until we're stripped of everything...I mean EVERYTHING...that is NOT of God, can we make room for the Love of God to step in to show us "yet a more excellent way" to be in the world. Until then, we are so filled with our own EGO-centric view of the world that we're unable to see the Love of God in the kind acts of strangers and people that we know, the Divine Order and the Grace that are ever present every where in our lives.

The ABSOLUTE TRUTH is that God will NEVER EVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US. But we only know this by being willing to step out in Faith and in absolute trust.

So many use the Bible

as a shield and as a camouflage and substitute for seeking REAL TRUTH. But what they are doing is just using words to fill in the holes that ABSOLUTELY are in their Soul.
Holes are there, because UNLESS AND UNTIL, God is able to fill it with his Love and Grace, all that truly exists inside is HOT AIR, as in a balloon, or the puffiness of EGO.

"Perfect love casteth out fear." That "perfect love" and the ONLY perfect love, is God's love!

"Yeah, though I walk through the Valley of the shadow of death, I will fear NO evil." Psalm 23:4

To SAY these words and to KNOW these words are two totally different TRUTHS. The first is truth; the latter is TRUTH.

Until you get to know TRUTH, you will never fully comprehend the love that will never leave you nor forsake you....as the ONLY language that is spoken is LOVE.

The language of the Soul is so unique and special that it can reach you in places and you can recognize it in faces, only if you have truly plumbed the depths of your Soul and are walking in the world in a way that is almost reaching over to "The Other Side of Infinity."

When unknown hands begin to reach out to comfort you, and they come from a stranger, or an unfamiliar voice soothes you in the midst of your troubles, or a comforting touch reaches you in the midst of your pain, then you know that the language you're hearing and experiencing is the unique Language of the Soul: It is Love.

By Grace, we are led to this language of the Soul. By Grace, we are fed by this unique language.

I first began to recognize the voice of Love coming through my Soul when I felt an absolute knowing that something was wrong in my world. It was the day my mother died, and as she made her transition in 1993, her individuated Soul must have briefly paused and sent me a message of love. I traced the feeling I had in my Soul back almost to the moments immediately after her death. I knew and understood then what I had felt: The Language of the Soul.

Then in 2001, I again recognized the strange language of the Soul when I was led to Chicago to visit my sister, Linda, who was not ill. Yet, two days after my return, Linda was dead of a heart attack. Once again, her Soul had been able to reach mine with an urgent message to come visit.

When I got the message that she'd died in her sleep, I knew that in the days before her transition this unique language of the Soul was able to reach me.

LOVE is the Language of the Soul. Open your heart, your mind and your life to begin listening to the unique messages that come from... your KNOWING...

The Language of the Soul!

NOTE: If you haven't seen "Little Miss Sunshine" I urge you to see it! Rent it from one of the video stores; its title belies the depth of this powerful movie.

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.