Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Story About Savants and Child Prodigies: Grace Outrunning Human Logic!

Eight-year-old Tallan,“T-Man,” Latz was recently stopped from playing the Blues in nightclubs in Wisconsin because he was underage.

The interesting part of the story to me wasn't that he appropriately was not allowed to continue playing in the “dark” of the nightclubs, but that he had inspired jealousy in men who could be his grandfathers! It was one of these “grandfatherly” types who had reported him to the authorities.

It seems that people were showing up to the night club only on the nights the little child wonder was playing his guitar. They loved grooving to his music!

Imagine it: grown men and women “grooving” to the music of an 8-year-old who tried to look like a “dude” in dark glasses and a cool shirt!
Check him out:

Recently, too, nine-year-old Jericho Scott of New Haven, Conn., was considered "too good” to play with others of the same age in the softball league. Scott had a 40-mph-right-handed pitch, so an opposing team chose to forfeit the game instead of going up against him. It seems that no one wanted to go up to bat against this nine-year-old “wonder child!”

T-Man and Scott are two examples of phenomena and people in life we can't explain. We believe as humans we can figure everything out about life.

Everything must fall logically into place for us to truly understand life.
Most of the time, we’re not disappointed. Life does unfold in a predictable way, and we are able to see a natural pattern and everything forming the way we’ve trained ourselves, as humans, to expect.

Life does make sense!

Every now and then, though, life throws us a curve. We experience something out of the ordinary, like special kids and savants.

Suddenly, we’re not so sure of ourselves.

We’re not so sure that we really are in control anymore...when things don’t happen true to form.

I don’t know if you’ve seen the fascinating movie: “ What The Bleep Do We know? Down the Rabbit Hole.”

This eye-opening documentary/movie first came out in 2005, then a revised version with the subtitle: "Down the Rabbit Hole,” came out a year later. This movie “takes you places.”

What the Bleep Do We Know examines the relationship between Church and Science and also between Science and Religion. It examines the questions of “why are we here?” and “what is the purpose of our lives?”

The subtitle of Down the Rabbit Hole asks you how much of your real nature do you want to discover and how really deep do you want to go? If you go deeply down the rabbit hole with this movie, chances are you will not come out the same. It WILL alter your perception of reality.

For one thing, the documentary starts out with our assumption that the physical universe is non-physical. It explains how science would have had us believe that “we’re a lonely mistake” and the only purpose for our time on earth is to procreate. With a new scientific explanation of spirituality, we are now able to see that through “space/time/geometry” we are all connected.

Quantum Physics is what this documentary is all about and it provides a genuine and novel way of looking at the world. We see that consciousness is real and has an impact on how we perceive things and how we live our lives.

The documentary asks: “How do we know what reality is? How do we know our eyes are not deceiving us?" Ultimate reality, according to What The Bleep Do We Know, “is how a person sees it! There is no reality out there, your perception becomes your world. There is more to the world than we’re experiencing and we truly know nothing about reality, as it is filtered through our 'sense organs,' but reality is happening in our brain all the time.”

This is a deep movie that makes you want to become a quantum physicist. For someone who loves the Arts and rarely dabbled in Science, “What The Bleep Do We Know? Down the Rabbit Hole truly captured my attention.

Taking the explanation of Quantum Physics as a base then, i.e. we really don’t know what is real and true, we can see that with savants and child prodigies, there is so much that we don’t understand.

These child wonders and other extraordinary people defy our human logic and our common sense. Even animals now are doing things that defy logic; the other day Oprah had a dog on her show that could add! He tapped his feet to the correct answer.

We witness the grace of God showing up in places and faces we didn’t expect, i.e. in the very young with talents and abilities beyond our human capacity to understand.

How can someone who can’t add, indeed even show you what the number three is, play hundreds and hundreds of pieces of beautiful music from memory?

How can someone add complicated numbers and do complex mathematics in the matter of seconds? How can the human brain function like that?

What the Bleep DO...WE... KNOW...?

We know very little. This is what we MUST accept when we see anomalies in front of us.

None of these special people will be able to tell us what they know about how they function.

We need to figure it out. And when we do, and as we do, we will put our own “reality” and interpretation to it.

So, the truth be told...we need to leave these matters of the universe to God.

Many of us try to play God by figuring out everything. But with savants, child prodigies and extraordinary and special people, we are left speechless!

Why should we even bother to try? Why do we have to know everything? Why can't we just ACCEPT that life IS a Mystery?

I have a theory that with these savants and child prodigies, God is showing his ability to “live through us as us!" The talents and abilities defy normal human growth. So, God fully can be God through these savants and prodigies, who have not yet built up a strong ego to block the flow of Good into their lives.

Maybe, too, that’s the message he's wants us to receive about many things in our lives that don’t make sense...things we don’t understand why and how they happen.

He wants us to know....that only by getting ourselves out of the way, seeking his guidance and his grace and connecting within... can we move forward.

"Don’t try to figure out everything," he seems to be saying. "Simply release and let go, knowing and trusting that all is well...all will be well...even when you don’t know how and why!"

I know that I know there's a lot I don't know. And I am LISTENING to God tell me this through these special people and animals and things. Are you listening, too?


See this profound passage below by David Robert Ord, author of Your Forgotten Self, posted on Namaste' Publishing's blog 10/01/08:

"Who says that stability, comfort, and certainty are a conscious way to approach life?

What if learning to live with questions, instability, and uncertainty—and to be comfortable within such discomfort—is more in line with consciousness? In other words, peace in the midst of turmoil, calm in the middle of the storm.

Over the years, my friend and I, though for the past two decades we have lived thousands of miles apart, have gone through paradigm shift after paradigm shift. Because we continually question, probe, challenge, we have shed belief upon belief. We have learned that simplistic answers simply don’t serve us well.

I suggest that the spiritual life, if it matures, eventually and increasingly draws in the whole person. It requires not just spirit and soul, but also an intelligent, thinking, questioning mind (which is entirely different from useless repetitive thought). Though it is not rooted in logic, it is logical. Though it is not based upon reason, it uses reason. Consciousness never contradicts logic and reason, and both should be used to test its authenticity.

It’s when the whole person acts in concert that life can become its most fulfilling. In other words, to be whole—blending together all of our faculties and senses in a balanced manner—is what it really means to be spiritual."

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.