Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY 2009!!! New Set of Footprints in the Sand!

New Set of Footprints in the Sand

One night a woman tossed in her bed, half asleep,
as she pondered the course of her life.

For a long time now, she'd felt that her life had
taken off on a track of its own. She truly was
not enjoying this new course, as she was not in control!

As a matter of fact, the train ...that was her life...
was speeding ahead and there seemed to be no exit stops.
The doors just wouldn't budge open in the places she
wanted to get off!

Strangely, though, being locked on this non-stop train
had taken her to new vistas and horizons
she never, ever could have seen or experienced,
on the track she was previously moving on. She knew that as
a result, she was developing traits and characteristics, previously
alien to her.

Would she, could she, ever get back on a course where
she pulled the stops?

Then, she had a revelation!

She was startled fully awake, only to fall into a deep
meditation, almost a trance.

It was then that she saw step by step her life story.
For each scene, she noticed that there was a set of
footprints in the sand.

There seemed to be only one set of footprints. Then she looked
closer, and she saw that inside each footprint there was a smaller one.
That’s when she realized that her smaller footprints, always, had been
matched by a larger set of shadow footprints.

She saw this so clearly in scene after scene of her life.
At those times that she remembered being the most challenged,
she saw that the larger footprints had totally eclipsed her smaller ones.

Then she looked at the lowest and saddest times in her life.
It was during those times that she'd had the experience of being
on a non-stop train.

She noticed there were no footprints at all.

She thought about this, then took it deeply into meditation.
She asked God,"Why is it that there are no footprints for
the most troubling times of my life?"

God whispered deep in her Soul:

“Those are the times that you allowed your Spirit to connect
closer and closer to me in prayer. At those times,
you didn’t need footprints, you were carried through
those challenging times by my Spirit connecting to yours.
You need to do this more often, child. Don’t wait for challenging
times and obstacle courses!

"If you begin to connect each and every day,
as much as you can, then you’ll see at the end of your
journey on earth, there will be fewer troubling times.
I will carry you fully in our connection through your Spirit."

With those last words, she fell back to sleep. She slept
the most peaceful sleep she’d had in years.

She felt the assurance and comfort of being watched over and loved as a newborn babe!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow. fabulous. What a wonderful take on the old faithful footprints. I love it. Thank you for this.

Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.