Imagine that yesterday never was. Tomorrow may never be.
Imagine that today is ALL that matters to you in life.
I’m giving you the thought that with this brand new year, you can
begin to paint a new picture for your life.

I want you to start today, with the events you plan for today, as the
start of that painting.
Like the genie, I’ve wiped away the clutter of yesterday. All the muck and dirt and sorrow and tears from yesterday are gone. I’m not just wiping away that old painting and throwing it away, I’ve bought you a brand new canvas: unblemished and sparkling white waiting for you to create new images.
Begin to imagine your day NOW! Imagine all the things you'd like
to happen today!
Where ever life has taken you so far, or wherever you’ve taken your life, through the power of your imagination and manifestation, imagine that those exercises of the past were practice sessions.
Today is when you begin actually using the training of your past, all that you learned good and bad, into a future you can’t see but only can imagine and visualize through your thoughts.
Today is the day for a new painting to begin.
Today is the day for new images of your beautiful future to be formed.
I don’t care if you got up with a headache or a heart ache. Today, all that can stop!
Decide today that people, things, situations of your past have ABSOLUTELY NO POWER OVER YOU!
So, no matter what burdens you may have imagined you are carrying on your shoulders that may be drooping from the strain, those burdens too are ONLY PART OF YOUR IMAGINATION ...a part of your past that has ABSOLUTELY NO POWER OVER YOU!
Lay your burdens down today and pick up new weapons of creation.
The mind is a powerful thing!
The mind is a powerful thing to create!
The power of your imagination overrides all your weak yesterdays.
The power of your vision creates for you the life that you want, the places you’d like to visit, the people you’d like to see, indeed, the very life that you desire!
Begin to paint a new picture today!
Begin with the color that you love.

Choose carefully only the colors and the images that you want to see on that canvas.

It is yours!
So, don’t tell me you can’t paint.
Begin to paint ANYWAY!
No one else is gonna see your canvas, at least not for a while.

No one else has a say-so into the colors you choose, how lofty your vision, how far you want to go in your imagination. It’s your canvas and you CAN DO whatever you want to do with it!

Begin thinking of the images you’d like to see come to life on that canvas.
Begin to imagine that you didn’t have to struggle or strain to get any of what will manifest on that canvas.
Begin to imagine that it is all YOURS for the asking.

All you’ve got to do today is to rid yourself of yesterday’s images and feelings and begin to paint on a brand new screen.
This is the screen of your life that will unfold for the rest of this year and the next and the next.
So, only paint good images. If a bad image pops up, immediately ask yourself if you’d like this image to go on your beautiful canvas.
If it’s not something you want to create on that beautiful screen of your life: DISCARD IT IMMEDIATELY!

You can do so by getting QUIET and going within and telling your Spirit, i.e. the God force within you, that you’re not gonna keep this one. Tell your Spirit that you’re leaving it to him to discard it for you ... that you’ve already turned it over to him and you don’t want it to pop back up.
After you’ve done that, then immediately go to your canvas and put some color on your canvas, the screen of your life. Even if it’s just one stroke of color, put it down...the image will form later.

Every day, no matter how challenging your day, discard all the bad images before you go to bed!
Every night, no matter how tired you may be, go within and discard ALL negative images and put down some beautiful color on your canvas.
I want you to begin painting today.
I want you to begin imagining today that your life is exactly as you want it to be!
I want you to pick up that paint brush today and put down some color. This is the color of your life.
This is the color of your imagination.

From a blank canvas, from a blank screen, you will create a new and beautiful life for yourself.
All you need to do that is to get the image of what you WANT onto that screen, discarding all that you don’t want immediately as they try to input and interfere.

Do not ...do not... DO NOT...share your painting with anyone!

Wait until it’s complete.
Then the image of you...the new beautiful YOU...will shine through for ALL the world to see!

Make this day...this week...this month...this year...the building block, the foundation for the rest of your life!

I'm off now...to try to start mine! Maybe, at the end of this year, I'll be ready to show you. At least...I pray I will.

1 comment:
I am printing this one. It is well done and quite timely. Thank you.
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