He seemed too nice.
He was so nice, I underestimated him.
I didn't support him....at...first!
Nice guys don't finish FIRST!
"What is he THINKING?"

I chose his opponent in the Democratic primary instead!
I attacked him with a ferociousness that surprised even me!
It wasn't because I wasn't BLACK enough, as so many accused me.
In some part of my Consciousness, I feared for him!
"Don't waste my time! Don't waste people's time! These are
critical times, we don't have TIME to WASTE with nice guys. We need a pit bull...
a bull dog who knows how to BITE BACK when 'they' unleash their attack dogs! We want someone who can FIGHT DAMMIT. Get out of the way, nice guy!
What are you THINKING! Those Republicans are gonna EAT YOU ALIVE?"
This nice guy proved he had staying power and stamina and a lot more
too! He was elected with a landslide!

When the final tally was in, he'd won more than 53 percent of the popular
vote and more than two to one the electoral votes.
This nice guy was a WINNER!
This week, we celebrate two important events in American History, and we can only wonder about the immensity of the power of our God!
Today, Monday, January 19, 2009, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Then tomorrow, on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, we will be witnesses to a first in U.S. history: the inauguration of the first black president in the United States. We will witness Barack Hussein Obama take leadership of these 50 United States and the District of Columbia to become the 44th President of the country!

January 19 & 20 2009 are powerful days for Americans of all colors, but mostly for Americans of African descent!
(Enjoy this technology created image!)

On Tuesday, the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. takes form and shape in the body of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama!

On Tuesday, God's word will become LAW in our LAND!

We will witness the hands, the unseen hands, that were at work throughout the entire history of the United States...We know unequivocally now that there was a DIVINE ORDER AT WORK ...through the enslavement of African Americans... through the Civil Rights War and the deaths of the many men and women, both black and white, who died... through the emancipation of African Americans... through the enactment of Equal Rights and Voting Rights laws to protect African American... through the Affirmation Action Laws to aid African American where unfairness prevailed... through the growth in consciousness of ALL Americans... through the nomination of Barack Hussein Obama... through the election of Barack Hussein Obama to become president of the United States of America.
Only a silent force ... call it Cosmic Consciousness... that does not cater to the whims of the world could have executed such a perfect blow to those who would have injustice and inequality and unfairness continue in our world!

Only one of immense power could have shut up all the naysayers, like me, and others and SHOW us that we can have faith, we can believe, we can dream, we can DARE TO WIN!

Nice guys DO FINISH FIRST, sometimes.

Nice guys who are walking in the ways of our God!

Nice guys who are appointed and anointed by our God!
Nice guys who appoint their former opponent to the best job for her, Secretary of State, where she can do what she does best and who truly lives JFK's: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country!"

On Tuesday as you watch Barack Hussein Obama, CELEBRATE GOD'S HANDIWORK!!!
May God continue to bless Barack Obama in the days, months and years ahead!

May God Bless us ALL as Americans!
May you ALL continue to walk in faith, even as your lamps of hope
seem to be flickering, your steps faltering in despair and your
strength faint by the burdens you may have had to bear and are bearing.

God is ALIVE and WELL in the World! There is a Divine Order
still at work...ONLY Believe!

Extremely well written. I was at first reluctant like you. I was angry when several African American friends sent me emails to support him, early in the race, because I "thought" they were choosing him because he was an African American. Perhaps some of them were. Perhaps that was their only hope, a glimmer to hold onto in times of economic despair and hopelessness. He quickly became my choice, as I listened to his intelligent and sensible words. The statements he made were never false promises, as he remained optimistic yet wise in his view of the state of our nation. Years ago, I read of how many Italian Americans were right next to the slaves in the fields, and were the unnamed whites who were lynched. While my ancestors never experienced even a fraction of what the African Americans have endured, I am still holding my head proudly as this man of color takes office. Because I too, like millions of Americans, need this man in office. I too, hold onto the hope he encourages us to have.
Yes. I put up with a lot of "abuse" by those who felt it was automatic for a black woman to vote for the first viable black candidate.
On a daily basis, I have to LIVE CONSCIOUSLY and ENSURE that my decisions are made from the power within me and not influenced by the Power without. I truly feel GOOD and PROUD that I supported him WHEN it became obvious he was the Democratic candidate, he could indeed go against the Republicans and could indeed make the changes that are necessary in America today.
Italian Americans and many other whites lost their lives alongside African Americans during the days of slavery and the fight for Civil and Equal Rights. I hope that is NEVER FORGOTTEN by those who would see it was only an African American struggle. We see that we could NOT stand alone in electing Barack Obama; it took people of EVERY COLOR TO DO SO.
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