Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Pick Carefully Your Soldier!"

"The light of the body is in the eye. If therefore thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of light."
Matthew 6: 22

Life sometimes can truly seem like a battle.

Those are the times that we look around and see the resources we have to help us make our way. Sometimes, it takes every ounce of our strength to wage that battle, and by God's Grace we make it through.

But then, sometimes, life may truly feel like a War!

Those are the times that when we look around, we MUST have the right soldiers in our camp!

Oftentimes, when the war comes it does so suddenly. We can win or lose, depending on who we took along in our camp.

I am grateful that because I've waged so many battles, along the way, I knew the right soldiers to pick for my war!

It isn't that you don't have some of the "enemy's" people traveling with you along the way, but what is more important is that you have your soldiers sleeping with you RIGHT IN YOUR CAMP!

That's the type of protection you need for the WAR!

You need soldiers who will stay awake to watch and protect you, while you take a nap.

You need soldiers who will pick up their weapons and wage your war for you!

You need soldiers who will fight to the bitter end with you, and then drag your half-conscious body out, firing bullets to any coming near, as they take you to the Medics camp.

Do you have those types of soldiers in YOUR life?

If you don't, then you're not equipping yourself with the right "weapons" in life.

You see there are many people who will stray into your life and in your way. Many may be clothed in garments of the finest silks and linens. They will be attractive. They may be smooth. But out of those many, you'll know the FEW, who can be, should be and ought to be "soldiers in your war!"

You shouldn't wait until the war starts to look around to see who is with you and for you. Oh, yes, sometimes, you might be lucky to find a few "recruits" who may sign up and join your camp, but oftentimes, it is the soldiers who have bravely seen you through battle after battle who will continue on strong to help you fight your war!

Yes, I'm speaking in metaphors here. But if you've been through battles and wars in life, you'll know about what I speak.

If you don't understand my prose here, then it means you've not yet come against an "enemy's camp." If so, you're lucky, and the best way you can prepare yourself is to fortify yourself.

The way you fortify yourself is with TRUTH!

Whether it comes from a fundamentalist Christian point of view, or a metaphysical base, it doesn't matter. The ONE true thing about this TRUTH is that at its center, MUST BE GOD!

There is no stronger or more forceful weapon that you can carry into a battle than the words from the Bible!

There is NO stronger or more forceful weapon that you can carry into a WAR than a connection to God!

This connection to God comes through the connection to your Spirit/Soul within you!

You make this connection by diligently searching, sometimes through the "pits" in life. It may take years to find it, but find it YOU MUST!

The thing that I know that is MOST TRUE about this search is that you must want it with your whole heart and you must leave the naysayers you encounter along the way.

You have to be focused, you have to be TRUE to your search and to yourself.

There are many forces that will try to come against you, as you make your way. But "no weapon formed against you will stand [prosper]!" Isaiah 54:17

There are many obstacles that you will have to overcome, such as criticism, judgment, isolation, destitution and fear.

But if you're committed...if you stay strong...you will make your way through all the bramble and the bush, dropping many soldiers as you make it closer to the finish line.

Don't worry about those you leave behind. They were not equipped for the journey with you. Trust in your innate spirit to guide you.

Trust that those you left behind, you did so ultimately for "your father's sake" and for yours.

When you advance, never, ever, look back to your old ways and old truths.

Always keep your eyes trained ahead, looking to the victory that is yours to come.

Yes, doubts will crop up. "Never, no mind."

Keep looking to the horizon.

Keep looking forward, as you step forward.

Advance steadily.

Advance surely.

Advance with the right soldiers at your side.

You will win.

You MUST win.

Winning is your DESTINY!


NOTE: This post is dedicated to all U.S. soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere and especially to ALL the "soldiers" who have marched with me in WAR!

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Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.