Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Real Secret: Having Faith

It was just about a year ago that millions of people were rushing out to buy the DVD and the book, "The Secret." For many of those people, it was the first time they'd heard that they could actually create their world through their thoughts, their mindset, over the "matters" in their lives.

I remember the first time I'd heard that I could achieve successful results by focusing my thoughts in the direction I wanted to go, I thought I'd discovered nirvana. And in the beginning, too, it seemed that everything I wanted, I was able to create. Things came very easily to me then: as I thought it, I seemed to create it, with little or no effort.

I know now what was at work then was the "Power of Enthusiasm," about discovering something new. Because our thoughts, good or bad, are always creating our world for us, whether we're paying attention or not. Thoughts really are "things" and those "things" do manifest in our lives as "good" or "bad" experiences or results.

The book I mentioned two blogs ago, "The Presence Process," by Michael Brown, has an affirmation that has us REMEMBER our thoughts are creating the "things," good or bad, in our lives. Although it does not say this directly, affirming "I acknowledge my reflections in the world" is another way of saying our thoughts are producing our life.

I'm very good at synthesizing information. So, it did not take me long to equate the affirmations from the "Presence Process" to the concept of the "Power of Positive Thinking" I'd heard for many years from my metaphysical teachers and authors whose work I'd pervasively read.

The reason every thing seems new is that it is so difficult...so very, very difficult...for us to get the message. Jesus tried to convey the message of "thoughts are things," by stating that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." He also tried to demonstrate this in all of his work, all that he did while he walked the earth. "Greater things than these you also can do," Jesus said. "It is not, I, but the Father within me who doeth the work," he'd also said in another passage.

Yet, we deified him, instead of understanding him and trying to get to the crux of his message. According to the book by David Ord, "Your Forgotten Self," deification was not Jesus' intentions. He really did not want us to look upon him as "extraordinary;" Jesus wanted us to understand his work so that we, too, could "follow" him and do greater works than he.

The Secret was a great eye opener for many people. I'm glad they found a message they could believe in. But I wonder if those millions who bought and read the book and viewed the DVD, "The Secret," have really gotten true control of their lives. I would bet that for most, the "Power of Enthusiasm" has now waned and life is feeling the same way it did before they'd discovered "The Secret."

I would make an even stronger bet that many now are feeling disillusioned.

The main reason is that a key, and critical, point was missing in "The Secret." In its desire to have MASS appeal, "The Secret" neglected to mention in a concrete way that our thoughts and our very beings are fueled by the Power within us i.e. Spirit. The book and DVD talked about "The Universe," but not the Spirit within.

It is ONLY by connecting to "Spirit" and having FAITH in that Divine Connection...and its guidance in our lives that we can maintain true "transformation" in our lives on an ongoing basis.

The real truth is that there are NO shortcuts to developing Faith! It takes sustained efforts, conscious desire, strong intentions and letting go of personal agendas to develop Faith! It takes looking past the disappointments and lackluster appearances of today to the certainty that tomorrow will bring the manifestations we truly desire.

Having Faith is a knowing that God is GOD in our lives, even when the path before us seems filled with potholes and obstacle courses.

Cultivating Faith, and activating that Faith, through Trust, Prayer and Meditation, is the Real Secret to all the Success we want to create in our lives!




Unknown said...

I agreed with alot of what you wrote. As far as manifesting what you want into your life, Faith and your relationship with "Spirit" or as I call it "My Highter Source" is not always a requirement since I know so many people in my life who are highly successful (including a recent ex-boyfriend), in a wordly definition, who are literally "spiritually dead." (This is why we broke up). There is another crucial element to manifesting one's wants: TAKING ACTION.

I'm a spiritually growing and evolving person and very involved in the spiritual community. However, I've observed that most people that believe in The Law of Attraction, work on the spiritual aspect of themselves and really work on developing their spiritual practice and pray and hope that spirit will bring them what they want. They forget that taking that step of action is what will amplify their manifestion. It requires risk and stepping out of your comfort zone. You can meditate, be kind to yourself and others, do your spiritual work and serve in the community but nothing will happen if you are not taking action to make your vision happen. I call this disillusionment. I've encountered so many people in my spiritual community who want to attract and manifest really grand ambitious outcomes (and they are amazing visions!), but they are not even taking a tiny step to take it into motion. They are not even taking that small step of planting the seed. A little seed to grow their vision! It has been frustrating for me to be around people who talk, talk and talk about what they want to accomplish, but they have not taken any action to make it happen. Talking is fine for the first 100th time. On your 101th, take some action. These are spiritual people that have these really ambitious ideas, good ones actually, but they think they can meditate on it, practice their spiritual growth, and poof, that the results, will land on their lap. That someone is going to hand them a check for $10M dollars. Or poof, that 100lbs going to melt away from their body. Or poof, that prince charming is going to be coming to their rescue in his knight & shining armor. Poof, they are going to become as famous as Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, when they are not even willing to go try out for any auditions...
My confustion is that I know so many "spiritually dead" people who don't practice faith out there manifesting what they want because they are taking action to make it happen for them. What their motives are for their accomplishments, I don't know.

So it is a bit frustrating for me to see this unbalance. Che', you wrote on an earlier blog, about how cheap you thought some spiritual people can be. I've experienced that too but then this is also the case because spiritual people from my spiritual community are always broke! At least the ones I know. And they are too many to count! In my world, spriritually enlightened people seem to be struggling to make ends meet and spiritually dead people seem to be making it in the world, in the worldly sense of security. At least the ones I know.

Che' Vyfhuis said...

I agree that people who are not spiritually aware can also be very successful. That's because there are also 12 POWERS OF MAN which we're all provided with as human beings.

I also agree that TAKING ACTION is absolutely required. I'll talk about this more in my Blog on Monday that deals with the balance we MUST STRIKE between our Spirituality and our Humanity. Using the 12 Powers given to Man is a way ALL of us can achieve success without ever knowing or thinking about Spirit. However, in the LONG run, true "success" is measured by "peace within." A lot of those achieving material things may do so without ever achieving Peace and Balance in their lives.

I truly will delve into the "laid back" attitude alot of people who are following "Spirit," without them doing anything to help themselves. Also read Namaste Publishing's Blog on the subject of Humanity/Spirituality on Saturday, March 29. I disagree with the totality of looking at all of our being as the Presence, which is what that blog on March 29 proposes.
Check your e-mail for the alert to my blog posting on Monday. I think I would have further addressed some of the excellent points you raised here.


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.