Leo Tolstoy on God

LEO TOLSTOY ON GOD: "When you look inside yourself, you see what is called 'your own self' or your soul. You cannot touch it or see it or understand it, but you know it is there. And this part of yourself--that which you cannot understand--is what is called God. God is both around us and inside of us--in our souls.

The more you understand that you are at one with God, the more you will understand that you are at one with all His worldly manifestations."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Your ABUNDANCE is EVERYWHERE...Look Around You!

On most days now, here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we’re experiencing spring weather! The trees are responding with beautiful flowers. Falling over into my backyard are the branches of a beautiful cherry blossom. It was bare until recently. Each day now, I take pleasure in looking at the new flowers attaching to the branches. I see the tree filling up with an abundance of flowers, truly becoming a thing of beauty, bringing me joy.

Abundance does that to our mood! It makes us feel happy, joyous, and glad. We want to sing and dance.

Do you see abundance everywhere around you?


Oh, I got it...you didn’t win the lottery last night.


A loosely organized group of people in cities around the country, calling themselves "Freegans," discovered that they can eat, free, or spend as little as possible, by getting their food supplies from dumpsters outside restaurants and grocery stores. The group discovered that about $30 billion of good, unspoiled food and supplies is discarded each year in dumpsters throughout the United States. So, these individuals, some of whom are very well off, decided to make their food "purchases" there. The cost: zero.

Yet many people are going starving right here in America, because they say there's not enough to eat. It's their vision and their "view."

You may think that your supply depends on a paycheck or on having a particular job. But I'm here to tell you: your supply will keep coming in, whether you have a certain job or not. The Universe is your Source...and there is an ABUNDANT SUPPLY of everything that you need or think you need, right here...and right now!

Look around you...

Which room are you in?

What is inside that room?

Can you SEE the THINGS?

Take a moment...and look at everything...in the room around you.

Take it ALL...IN!

Where did THEY each come from?

Yes, I know the couch was a gift handed down from your grandmother.

Or, the table might have come from an antique store.

But they are your STUFF, aren’t they?

And your STUFF is EVERYWHERE, isn’t it?


Can you see...the ABUNDANCE...of "stuff" you have?

I’m not taking about what you DON’T have...

I want you to focus on what you DO have...ALL AROUND YOU!

Your Abundance is EVERYWHERE!

Realize that you’re able to read this e-mail...think...see...do and be...because of the ABUNDANCE OF EVERYTHING around you: the chair you’re sitting on, the electricity that allows you to see the computer screen, the water or tea you’re sipping, the computer that is allowing you to read this...the...

Every day, were you to STOP, before you begin your day and say,“Thank you,” before racing ahead, you’d be able to see the ABUNDANCE...and the ABUNDANT supply that is EVERYWHERE present in your life!

Go Ahead! Try it...SEE if you can stop counting!




Unknown said...

Thank YOU for the reminder once again... Yes, I am a the glass is "half-full" kind of a person, I sometimes slip into the "half-empty" mode of victimhood. Weaing my ASK. BELIEVE. RECEIVE. Sacred Abundance pendant helps me be reminded to stay focused on and see the blessings all around me. I'm thankful of the things that I DO have in my life and try to feel gratitude with what is in my life. When I start feeling lack and limitation, I focus on what I DO have, even if it is the very basic of things, such as, a nice roof over my head, my health, a reliable car to drive, food to eat, the beautiful SOCAL weather and having access to amazing Griffith Park! I live in Hollywood and at times, I get so caught-up or feel the pressure of the consumerism, commercialism and materialsim that's constantly around me. This is when I turn inward to Spirit and reach out to The Universe to give me Guidance. I start thanking God for what I have and start focusing on what I do have and shift my focus on my life purpose... This helps me to stay centered and have a heart of gratitude...

Have an Abundant Day!
Peace & Blessings,

Che' Vyfhuis said...

You TOTALLY have the right focus! Yes, being aware and staying conscious are the KEYS to appreciating our ABUNDANCE. By staying alert to when we have a tendency to fall into the victim mentality, we can reduce its impact on us. Staying focused on the "NOW"...is the key to appreciating our abundance...and truly, we do ALL HAVE A LOT! The fact that you live in the midst of consumerism in Southern Cali., and are able to stay CONSCIOUS is a testimony to your connectedness to Spirit! I'm grateful for people, like you, on the path who are holding to their consciousness even in the midst of great challenges. THIS ALSO SPEAKS TO THE STRENGTH OF OUR SPIRIT...AND IT'S LOVE AND WILLINGNESS TO SUPPORT US...if we only ...but TRY!



happy2bjoy said...

I like to think of abundance as a condition of consciousness that does not depend on the amount of stuff I have at any given moment. It is where I come from inside and the filter on my thoughts. If I am in abundance I cannot help but see it.

Che' Vyfhuis said...

I ABSOLUTELY agree with you that abundance is a condition of consciousness. For some people, "stuff" is all it's about. So, by seeing what they have, despite seeming "lack" at the moment, and their focus on "needs," they can get into an appreciation of their abundance that would lift them to a HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS about their situation.


Personal Authenticity: "To Thine Own Self Be True"...

"To Thine Own Self Be True and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou canst not then be false to ANY man."
William Shakespeare.